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[CPAP] CPAP and the flu.
RE: CPAP and the flu.
(09-18-2012, 07:42 PM)Sleepster Wrote:
(09-16-2012, 10:34 AM)JJJ Wrote: And finally, you cannot infect yourself. "Getting over the flu" means your immune system has learned how to deal with the specific flu virus that caused the infection. You now have a natural immunity to that virus. If one does wander into your body your immune system will promptly nuke it.

True. But that virus can mutate, and when the mutated virus reinfects you your immune system may not be able to fight it off because it's different from the original.

This is why some people recommend you get a new toothbrush when you've just gotten over the flu or a cold.

You ever notice that sometimes when you finally get over the flu or a cold you get a mini-relapse?

Anyway, to the OP, just make sure you take the regular precaution of washing your mask and hose in hot soapy water.

Sleepster, I have never ever heard of changing your toothbrush when getting over the flu or a cold, that really is news to my ears. Shock-2
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RE: CPAP and the flu.
Yeah, toothbrush, bathroom cup, etc.


Take a deep breath and count to zen.

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