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My SH envoke visions of trying to herd cats!
RE: My SH envoke visions of trying to herd cats!
Thanks, Sleeprider; I was pleased with the OAs going so low though the other graphs were pretty frightening.

Your counsel if very encouraging! However, I'm not getting the rest I expect; when I learned that the ResMed Escape II I'd been using since 2012 was badly broken, I thought I'd be feeling pretty perky by now. (I recall how fast I experienced an improvement when I first used a CPAP; it doesn't seem unreasonable to expect that level of comfort so it seems there's something still outta whack.) I'm suspecting O2 -- but my oxi pump is giving me 2lm which was keeping me in the high 90s in the hospital. OTOH, the CMS50F tells me that it's goes pretty low from time to time during the day -- prolly cuz I'm knocking the sensor around, but...

Thanks again! Way-to-happy
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RE: My SH envoke visions of trying to herd cats!
(03-04-2018, 09:27 PM)Hydrangea Wrote: I'm not a chart reader, but I'll comment on what has worked for me for leaks...

I find that I don't leak when:

- I'm using newer P10 pillows.  (After a month of use, the pillow is too stretched out, and starts to not fit my nostril as well.)

- I'm using newer headgear.  (After several months of use, the headgear is so stretched out that the nasal pillow troops away from my nose.  It comes with clips to help tighten the stretched-out headgear, and that does help me a bit... if I can get the clip to stay on.)

- I'm using a large enough pillow.  (If I use too small of a pillow, I can't get a full enough breath, and [in my sleep] my mouth opens to get that fuller breath, and thus major leakage.)

Welcome!  And keep PAPing!  It's worth it!

Hi, drangea Laugh-a-lot thanks for your observations; you've given me some great ideas. My gear is pretty new -- less than 2 months old -- but I've a$$umed that the problem was elsewhere (up closer to the area between the ears). All of the pillows hurt my nose; two, the medium and the large hurt the right nostril and the small hurt both... seemed to have a sharp edge that pressed on my nostril and began hurting almost immediately. I have an unopened set of pillows; I'll use them tonight.

In addition to full facial hair (picture [b]bonjour[/b], but scraggly) that prevents taping my mouth shut, I have long, very fine hair which lets the P10 headband slip up, down, up, down, up, down all night long. I've recently read of the trick of pulling my hair between the two bands and that helps a lot, though it prolly is putting the pillows at a bad angle... hmm...

I guess I'm more of a fat-head than I was acknowledging: the new headband is too tight for me. Each night I have to stretch it a lot before putting it on.
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