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Thank You OSCAR Dev Team
Thank You OSCAR Dev Team
I want to thank the OSCAR Development Team for their efforts. Let me know where I can send a donation to the effort.

I have been using Sleepyhead for some years now. I create reports from it and then have my doctor sign it and then off to the FAA every 12 months.

I do have a couple of questions if I may:

1. I am using a RemStar Auto with A-Flex (560P) at home and I want to get a second for my place out of town. How does one go about combining two data sets? The FAA wants to see that I use it every night and combining the two machines is needed as one does not want to distract them with having to flips page to page on a report to figure out all the nights were covered.

2. If I want to purchase two new machines, do you list the actual model numbers someplace as proposed to the generic names so I can make sure that I purchase new production machines that will work with your software.

As an aside, I sent a letter to Phillips asking them to give me a point of contact on the subject of their CPAP machines not providing "ready access" in a standard ASCII, DBF, or XLS or the like format to be in compliance with the new California Law (January 2020) that states that personal information must be made available twice a year on request to people in California. A long lunch with a lawyer I know...his sense is that the new law can be construed that any medical device that collects personal information would be covered under the new law.  If that is the case then Phillips and the other may be pushed into a corner to have to provide decent hooks into the data on the machines.  We will see.

Thanks, James
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