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Which type of 'relief' do you use?
Dental - no machine.
1 3.57%
Machine - blows air into you.
bwexler, cbramsey, Clay L, condohk69, DeepBreathing, DrWho?, eviltim, JJJ, JWR, MAPnea, me50, Moriarty, PaulaO2, Peter_C, PollCat, PsychoMike, RonWessels, SabrinaFaire, Shastzi, Sleepster, sleepy_one, SuperSleeper, vsheline, zonk
24 85.71%
Nothing yet.
Bompa, Lukie, Nozzelnut
3 10.71%
Total: 28 vote(s) 100%

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Apnea Board is an educational web site designed to empower Sleep Apnea patients.