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A Couple Months in, want to optimize my sleep - Oscar Help, please!
A Couple Months in, want to optimize my sleep - Oscar Help, please!
Hello everyone, and thank you for your help analyzing my sleep records. I've had a Resmed 11 for a couple months and want to make sure I have the best settings. I've tried a couple masks in this time and I've found I sleep best with a Phillips Dreamwear nasal pillow. I also have a the Resmed AirTouch mask with the memory foam that I've tried using for a week or so in the past month due to having Covid and not being able to breath through my nose. While my machine did say it had a great seal, my leak rate was like 30l/min. I have changed my machine settings to match my masks, if that makes a difference. Can anyone help me make sure I am reading these Oscar results correctly, and that I am optimizing my sleep? It is much appreciated! Please let me know if there is anything else needed to help interpret! 

Please let me know if there is anything else needed. I greatly appreciate any help! 

Thanks again! 

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