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Android writes files to SD Card
Android writes files to SD Card
I got an SD card reader for my Android phone so that I could use Oscar without having to remember to carry my card up and down the stairs (stairs are not easy in my current state, so forgetting the card from one place to the other can be a hassle), but I have noticed that Android writes files to my card, whether or not the SD is locked (it ignores the lock doo-hickey on the card).  I only used it once and I deleted the files before returning the card to my Resmed Aircurve 10 VAuto, but I'm wondering if the files even matter?

If I just leave them on the card will my machine freak out?  Or will it be fine?
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RE: Android writes files to SD Card
The AirSense 10 machines don't care about extra files, so no problems.

It was the early Series 9 models that were fussy, and would erase the whole card if they found an unknown file Sad
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RE: Android writes files to SD Card
Thank you!  I was hoping this was the case!
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RE: Android writes files to SD Card
Yeah, and whatever you do don't say "yes" if dropbox offers to keep a "backup" of your card in your dropbox. It keeps track of what it has and hasn't backed up by writing crap all over the card!

One thing that my techie kid explained to me about card readers -- the tab is a convention, and doesn't physically prevent the computer from writing to the card. It just tells the computer that you don't want it to. And look at the reader with the card inserted -- if the tab part is still showing outside the slot (i.e. the slot is very shallow) then the computer has no way to know where you've put the write protect tab.

I think that this is a great product idea. Make a USB SD card reader that has some sort of write-protect switch on the card reader itself, so that if you have the switch set on the reader, then it doesn't matter what state the tab is in. That way you can prevent any device other than the cpap from writing on your disk, without risking forgetting and leaving it write-protected when you put it in the cpap.
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RE: Android writes files to SD Card
(05-22-2022, 04:12 AM)cathyf Wrote: I think that this is a great product idea. Make a USB SD card reader that has some sort of write-protect switch on the card reader itself, so that if you have the switch set on the reader, then it doesn't matter what state the tab is in. That way you can prevent any device other than the cpap from writing on your disk, without risking forgetting and leaving it write-protected when you put it in the cpap.

These exist, they are called write-blockers. They're used when forensically analysing digital media to ensure that the target device is not modified.
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