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Anybody remember Provent?
Anybody remember Provent?
Provent was a disaster for me, I was selected to take part in a Hospital led trial of the hyped about Provent, basically two valves were 'Stuck' to your nose, there was no mask and no machine, basically they added back pressure, (Supplied by you.), on Exhale, so in effect your airways were under a slightly higher pressure and the idea was they wouldn't be able to collapse as in an Apnoea.
It sounded like a great idea to me, but I was unfortunately given the Control Placebo, so they didn't do anything, the Clinic had taken my machine off of me, I was still working and driving, so after two nights of disastrous sleep, I abandoned the trial and got out my spare S8 Cpap machine.
It did seem like a good I idea I guess though, the concept of a higher exhale pressure, sort of a reverse BiPap I guess, reared it's head again with V-Com, now I personally havn't tried these, but a lot of people really rave about the improvement they make, I would like to try one, but they are not sold in the UK and the shipping costs are way expensive.
So, here's the question, is a reverse Pap pressure a good idea, bearing in mind, this would mean every machine maker got it wrong and pressures should be reversed, i.e higher Exhale pressure than Inhale pressure, one thing, that seems a bit unatural to me, however, it's worthy of a mention, Anti-Bacterial filters added to the mask, actually add some back pressure on Exhale, do people who use them benefit from this?
No Snarky comments please, these are just questions and perhaps food for thought, 25 years and six machines later, I still have a lot of unanswered questions.
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