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Back to CPAP after 15 yrs, struggling this time
Back to CPAP after 15 yrs, struggling this time
            I was previously on CPAP therapy for about 4 yrs and lost a lot of weight, had another sleep study and was deemed not to need it anymore. I haven't gained the weight back but about a year ago my husband said I was "heavy breathing"...I'm pretty sure snoring lol. I also was not sleeping well, waking frequently through the night. 

So, I had a sleep study in November and it should mild OSA, actually mostly hypoapneas and desats to 83%. So I opted to restart CPAP since I never had an issue the first time. This time I struggled with finding a mask that was comfortable and I didn't have leaks. I finally found the Evora and I'm happy. 

But I'm still not sleeping well! First, I had a lot of sore throat/dry mouth issues despite the humidifier set at 5. I read online that my pressure might be too high (it was 5-15) so I changed it to 7-12 (I was usually 9-10 in the past). The sore throat/dry mouth is gone so that's good! So I got a SD card and down loaded OSCAR. 

I think looking at the data that I'm having respiratory arousals and wanted to know what you think and I'm open to any advice on setting changes. I included a zoomed in shot of what I think is the respiratory arousal (one of 4) and my typical wave form most of the night.
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RE: Back to CPAP after 15 yrs, struggling this time

I see a couple of changes that should help.  It would be good to change your pressure range.  Because your median pressure is over 10, 10 would be your best starting pressure.  I would also raise the high pressure to 12.  

I don't know if you are using EPR, but I suggest you set your EPR full-time to 3. That should make your breathing more comfortable, and, more importantly, it will cause your flow limits to drop. Flow limits are short apneas that are not reported, but it is best to get them as low as you can.

You are also having some Positional Apnea. These show on your chart where you have clusters of OAs and/or Hs.  No setting can help with these.They are caused when your chin drops toward your chest, limiting your airflow, much like a kink in a hose reduces water flow.  During the one night you show, they were not too bad, but other nights will show if they are sometimes worse.  You may be able to control them by sleeping on a much flatter pillow but most end up wearing a soft cervical collar.  Amazon sells lots of them and most drug stores offer a few. I liked the Caldera Releaf Collar the best, as it was quite comfortable and worked as well as the others I tried.

Again, welcome, and good luck with finding your best therapy and comfort!  Smile
Machine:  ResMed AirCurve 10 Vauto
Mask:  Bleep DreamPort Sleep Solution and F&P Nova Micro

Link to thread about switching from Autoset to Bilevel:

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RE: Back to CPAP after 15 yrs, struggling this time
Debora K-
I’ll change my minimum to 9, I’m already at max 12 so I made it 12.2. My EPR was 3 full time so I kept that. I’ll look for a flatter pillow as well.
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RE: Back to CPAP after 15 yrs, struggling this time

You have a lot of obstructive events.

Which setting are you using, Auto for her?

Not really sure if they are positional or not?

If not, i am thinking you need more pressure both min and max.

The EPR3 , i believe, is taking your EPAP below your point of obstruction, whatever that is in your airway.

And you have high flow limits in spite of using max EPR.

That's how it looks to me.

Will see what others think?
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RE: Back to CPAP after 15 yrs, struggling this time
Well, I took my max pressure back to 13 and the sore throat has returned Sad

Sleeping with a flatter pillow didn't help. My graph definitely looks to me like a positional thing as I know I get up and reposition about the times it "resolves" and it's in groups. My new neck brace arrived today but I'm not sure how well I'll tolerate that addition....

My AHI numbers were actually better 1.4-2.5 before I started messing with mt pressures! I'm so confused. I just don't want to have a sore throat and to sleep through the night. Not too much to ask.

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RE: Back to CPAP after 15 yrs, struggling this time

Sorry to hear of your continuing problems.
I can tell you're frustrated lack of sleep will definitely do that!

Finding what to do about this though is difficult because your flow limits are spiking high and you're already at epr3 which is supposed to be taking care of flow limits.

Neck collar will let us know how many of those obstructives are due to pressure or positional.

Don't wear too tight or too loose couple of fingers between your neck and the collar.

Also I'm wondering if you're sleeping on your back and that can definitely cause events.
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RE: Back to CPAP after 15 yrs, struggling this time
I always start on one of my sides but end up on my back. Wake up and go back to my side. My hips tend to get sore so I think that’s why I move to my back in my sleep. 
Will do my best with the collar.
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RE: Back to CPAP after 15 yrs, struggling this time

That is exactly what I've been going through for a while now sore hips and I just lay on my back thinking I'll just lay here for a bit and relax and I know for sure I end up falling asleep and I end up getting obstructive events and sometimes CA events as well.

So the key here is we got to get rid of the sore hips doing some moderate exercises in the morning I do lateral leg raises and I make circles.
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RE: Back to CPAP after 15 yrs, struggling this time

Well the collar was a fail. Only lasted a hour before I had to remove it. It was pushing up on my mask frame which made my mask push up under my nose and hurt. 

So I ordered this thing to help me stay on my sides instead. I've been doing better with that. Sometimes I'm more at a 45 deg to get off my hips lol, you can see my pressures go up a little then I think. 

Overall, I think I'm getting there. 

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RE: Back to CPAP after 15 yrs, struggling this time
Glad to hear you feel encouraged.

I see a lot of obstructive right now, whatever is causing that.

Seems to me pressure is too low, considering EPR3.

You are going below range of control, as 4 cm is min pressure for PAP machine.
You have min. 6.

If you keep that low pressure, i think u gotta reduce EPR probably to EPR1
But more likely you need to get up to 7cm or even 8cm EPR1

BTW, positional includes chin tucking, which can really cramp your airway in neck area.

Your chart seems to reflect less positional, but pressure going too low.

The collar length is important, have you sized that ?

From chin to sternum?

Too short and you can still chin tuck, if too long, i guess you could have the issue you describe?

If you have a long neck, longer is required, depending on what you have?
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