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[CPAP] Hello from a new user - how does my Oscar look?
Hello from a new user - how does my Oscar look?
Hi guys. New user here. Originally prescribed (through insurance) a ResMed F20 and was basically told to "deal with it - it will eventually get better" despite my objections as to how uncomfortable and leaky it was. 

Having done some research and having purchased a few masks privately I've recently settled on the F&P Evora and have successfully managed to get some full nights sleep in relative comfort over the last few nights.

So my question is, in uploading the results from Oscar, is there any tweaking you feel I should do? I have slowly been increasing my max pressure to encompass the 95% value, and also increasing my min pressure to try and alleviate my CA events (reading the forums this appeared to be the right thing to do). My AHI is slowly going down night by night so I guess I'm going in the right direction but I suppose it's time to put my actual results out there and get some commentary from someone more experienced in this. 

Here are the last three days results...



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RE: Hello from a new user - how does my Oscar look?
Quote: also increasing my min pressure to try and alleviate my CA events

Sorry, I mis-wrote here: It seems CA is short for central apnea but I'm referring to clear airway events.
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RE: Hello from a new user - how does my Oscar look?
hi dxb

Charts look pretty good to my eye.

Maybe a little positional, chin tuck or back sleeping or pillow getting into your throat type thing.

CA events, you have no issue there. ( not sure where you read increasing min. pressure gets rid of CA events? )
Yes, Clear Airway, basically you stop breathing either holding your breath while changing position or breathing out too much CO2 which may show up in future with pressure adjustments, will see, but looks good right now.


You might try raising min. pressure up gradually maybe to 10 cm, see how your charts respond and sleep and rest.
You do still have some OA events, though they could still be positional.
And Hypopnea could be reduced as well, try it out.

Post some charts when you can.

I assume you are sleeping well, and rested during the day?
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RE: Hello from a new user - how does my Oscar look?
Hi SeePak, 

Rested? Sadly no. Still feeling tired but it's only day three and I understand these things take some time to revert to normal after years of bad sleep.

Sleeping well? I'd say so. For the first time in a long time I'm getting through almost an entire night without waking.

Regarding clear airway events (what I'm calling CA), I don't remember where exactly but I read that increasing min pressure allows for more efficient exhaust of the CO2 that's built up in the mask. If the min pressure is too low the CO2 may linger and not escape through the mask vents causing the clear airway events. Is this incorrect? 

Over the three days I've increased my max pressure to slightly beyond what Oscar's showing as the 95% value - again, I read somewhere that that was the correct tactic to take in finding the ideal setting - but my 95% value is increasing as I do so. With max pressure set to 12, 95% is reported as 11.42; with it set to 13, 95% is reported as 12.68; with it set to 14, 95% is reported as 11.92.

I'll try slowly increasing the min pressure up to 10 but should I stop tweaking the max pressure and leave it at 14, or maybe even lower?

Thanks for the input!
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RE: Hello from a new user - how does my Oscar look?

Ok, i see what you say, increasing min. pressure will possibly increase Tidal Volume which like you suggest, will get rid of more CO2.

However, what that does is make it more possible, in some cases, to make your system think you don't need to breathe cause you have low CO2! 
So you stop breathing until CO2 builds up again, but if you are like a lot of people, that feeling of CO2 buildup will cause you to take larger breaths to get rid of the CO2 again!  so it becomes a vicious circle.

So watch for that, but you may be ok as is.

Max. pressure, i think is fine, no adj. necessary at this time.

Sleeping well, thats great!
And yes, it can take some time to get to feeling real good, so watch for how long you go before feeling tired during the day.
And for sure, you should feel rested when you wake up!
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