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[CPAP] Help with new ResMed 11 Oscar Data
Help with new ResMed 11 Oscar Data
Hello! I was recently diagnosed with OSA with an AHI of 8.5 overall and 25.3 during REM, 28 with supine REM.

Please see my attached Oscar data for last night.

I've been using a ResMed 11 for last few days. I have data for 2 of those 3 days. The first day I used it I had factory defaults for ResMed 11. The AHI said 7.5, so I tried increasing the minimum pressure (February 1st) to 7. I fell asleep without the mask and put it on halfway through the night (probably when I was having more REM!). AHI went down to 5.4. I then tried increasing min pressure to 8, last night (Feb 3) my AHI was 7.43. 

I know AHI should be below 5. The good news is that I do feel more rested the past few nights. What do you all suggest as my next step? 

Thanks very much!

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RE: Help with new ResMed 11 Oscar Data
You need to set up your OSCAR charts like the one at the bottom.  We need the left column with the charts in the  example...

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Apnea (80-100%) 10 seconds, Hypopnea (50-80%) 10 seconds, Flow Limits (0-50%) not timed  Cervical Collar - Dealing w DME - Chart Organizing
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RE: Help with new ResMed 11 Oscar Data
Apologies, I have it attached!

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RE: Help with new ResMed 11 Oscar Data
I'm sorry there is not much we can do to limit your Centrals.  Centrals are not obstructive and changing pressures dose not help.  IF they are centrals as the cpap reported then you actually need a different machine.  A ResMed 11 ASV, it is a machine made to control central apnea.  It is more money and they start people off with an autoset and when that proves not to work they will give you an ASV.

I would like you to look into the centrals are not real centrals.  The cpap is not the best way to know if it is obstructive apnea or central apnea.  Your sleep test you most likely took in a sleep lab would be a much better determination if they are central or not.

If you have your sleep study you can take off personal info and post it so we can see if the study showed many centrals.

The last thing I would say is the central came in groups and that may mean it is positional apnea.  People who sleep on their back?  Are you sleeping with high pillows?  both can cause you  to sleep in a position that cuts off your wind pipe.  It is also know as chin tucking when your chin drops to your sternum cutting off your airway.  See if you can change your sleeping position and if that helps.
Apnea (80-100%) 10 seconds, Hypopnea (50-80%) 10 seconds, Flow Limits (0-50%) not timed  Cervical Collar - Dealing w DME - Chart Organizing
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