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I have been using the CPAP device for a while now, but I still couldn't find the ideal settings that fit me well.
I'm reaching out, asking for your assistances. Would someone please read my OSCAR file/log and share what would be the right settings for my case? Many thanks in advance!
You seem to be under-titrated to me. See if a minimum of 11~13 helps. Your machine only responds after you have had an apnea. Next time it will be helpful if you include the flow limitation and leak rate chart instead of mask pressure/minute vent etc.
Your charts look good; good pressure range, no leaking that would interfere with therapy, nice low flow limits, and enough hours of sleeping. You have a handful of CAs, but I'm sure they are treatment-emergent and will lessen as time passes. That will drop your AHI.
Do you feel you are sleeping well and not sleepy during the day? If so, I'd stay in your present settings. Come back any time if things are going less well. We'd be happy to help you.
Again, welcome, and best wishes for great therapy and comfort!
Machine: ResMed AirCurve 10 Vauto
Mask: Bleep DreamPort Sleep Solution and F&P Nova Micro