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01-14-2025, 05:01 AM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2025, 05:04 AM by SleepApnea84.)
Waking up at nights (pressure problem?)
i have been using CPAP now aprox 10 years. I have been using many models, but most of my years i used P10 nasal mask. Lately it dryed (i have been also on laser eye surgery, which made my eyes very dry) my eyes so bad and i kept waking all night when mask moved off, so i had to change it to different model. About last 6 months i have been using airtouch N20 mask. That mask fits kinda good, but im still getting several problems.
First, i cant sleep mouth closed without jaw strap or mouth tape.
Second, no matter what i do, i still wake up few times at night and when i watch pressure, its usually on its peak.
I have resmed 10 cpap machine and pressure is between 6-11.
So, is there something what i could do with this problem? I have tried to raise max pressure to 12 and it actually made everything worse.
It appears that you need to raise your minimum pressure to eliminate some of your apneas, I would suggest 8cm minimum pressure as your average is over this now. You may also find that it would be helpful to turn on the EPR full time. I would start at 1cm or 2cm on the EPR. You may also be having a little Positional Apnea as you are having some small clusters of apneas. If you sleep on your back try sleeping on your side, use a shorter pillow, or if all else fails try a soft cervical collar. Pressure alone will not help Positional Apnea. See on the page below for a link on Positional Apnea. As to your moth leaks, I have found over many years, that for me anyway, it is either a full face mask or mouth tape when using my N20 or any nasal mask.
Try the new settings for a few nights then post some more charts.
Welcome to the forum and good luck with your treatment.
Thank you very much for your advices, much appreciated.
I changed min pressure to 8 and EPR at 1 for at start. Have to search again, what was the role of EPR. Im also thinking to go back to mouth taping, as its so much easier when you dont have so much stuff over your head.
About sleeping position, yes its worse when im laying on my back. I have tried about 10 different pillows, also to raise head of bed and even few different beds without any perfect solution. Now i would say situation is about ok and i usually fall a sleeping on my side.
I will go trough threads you mentioned and come back with my results with new settings in a few days.
EPR will lower your exhale pressure. As an example if you are at a minimum inhale pressure of 8cm and using full time EPR your exhale pressure will be 7cm, if the EPR is set at 2cm your exhale will be at 6cm and if set at 3cm your exhale will be 5cm. It will lower your flow limits and be more comfortable. Tape is the only thing that will work for me, I think I tried everything else and nothing worked when using nasal mask. The chin strap kept my jaw closed, but not my lips...
As I said you may have some Positional Apnea, if so it is not terrible right now, but I would keep an eye on it.
things have been happened since last update. First, changed settings with mask Airtouch N20. Then i got AIrtouch F20 mask. My leaks has went to 0, as i look them in resmed app on my phone. Also this version doesnt blow air everywhere outside, instead theres very good quiet ventilation system, which you cant even hear or notice. I still wake up nights, what do you think is there something which should be changed?
Try raising your minimum pressure to 9cm and the maximum to 13cm. Try the new minimum pressure for perhaps two nights, if your AHI isn't getting better then start raising the pressure again little by little up to 10cm. After the pressure increases you may also want to try sleeping on your side to see if that also improves your results. I use an extra blanket and pillow pushed against my back to keep me on my side.
Also, could you please remove the calendar from your charts as more treatment info is available when it is gone.
02-01-2025, 07:44 AM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2025, 07:45 AM by SleepApnea84.)
RE: Waking up at nights (pressure problem?)
heres my lates charts. I went back to Airtouch N20 mask, since it feels so much lighter around my face.
First chart is without mouthtape, when i kept waking many times. Last one is mouth taped, where i sleeped first 5 hours without waking up. What do guys think, should there be something to change?
You are getting some major leaks around 3:40 AM, what sort of tape are you using? It also appears that flow limits may be causing some problems, you may want to try setting the EPR to 2 or 3 that should help with the flow limits. If nothing helps and you are not sleeping on your back then I would adjust your minimum pressure to 10cm and give that a go. Post some more charts in a few days. Good luck.
Im using this tape:
Micropore tape and it was fully on even at morning. I dont know, have i been rolling on my sleep to position, where mask started leaking or what have happened. Ok ill try to EPR set to 3 and lets see what happens ?
If you are having leaks with mouth tape, it could be your mask leaking, or you could be not using the right kind or enough of your tape. I learned that I need to use 2-inch wide good quality tape cut to 5-1/2 inches long. Otherwise, I still leak. There are lots of good tapes but I like kinesiology tape best because it is more comfortable and adheres better to my facial contours.
Machine: ResMed AirCurve 10 Vauto
Mask: Bleep DreamPort Sleep Solution and F&P Nova Micro