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Central Sleep Apnea, confused about Oscar readings
RE: Central Sleep Apnea, confused about Oscar readings
You have not included the flow limit chart. Flow limits are a very important trigger for increasing pressure and yours are high. I am fairly sure that is what is going on.

Set your min pressure to 7
And EPR to 3
To better treat those flow limitations
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RE: Central Sleep Apnea, confused about Oscar readings
He used to use EPR 3, recommended dropping it because of central apnea. Either the reduction of EPR to 2 or medication appears to have helped with centrals.
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RE: Central Sleep Apnea, confused about Oscar readings
Great news!!! I heard from the respiratory therapist and they have my ASV machine! I have an appointment on Tuesday to meet with the RT and pick it up!!! I really hope it helps in a major way!

Geer1, so, according to that thread about your tramadol experience, you had nasal surgery for a deviated septum and turbinate reduction? That is VERY interesting to me... I have a deviated septum, and I have a hard time breathing through my nose at night. When I wake up, my mouth is always extremely dry, like my tongue is sandpaper. The ENT said my deviated septum isn't the culprit though, he said it's my turbinates which swell at night. Would you mind telling me what problems you were having and if the surgery solved them? Also how was the recovery period after surgery? Only if you're comfortable, of course! 
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RE: Central Sleep Apnea, confused about Oscar readings
Hey, I hope all of you are doing very well! I received my ASV machine, a couple of weeks ago now. I got really bad aerophagia the first night, so the next day I lowered the pressure range and it's been a lot better, but it's still aggravating sometimes.

My sleep has been a little better. Instead of waking up every hour and a half, I usually wake up after about 3-4 hours. But I take the mask off to get a sip of water (because my mouth is so dry) and usually fall back asleep before putting it back on. I have to work on that.

I'm wondering how my doctor is going to feel about me turning down the pressure on my own, or if that could be considered as noncompliance... anyone have any idea about that?
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RE: Central Sleep Apnea, confused about Oscar readings
Have you tried adjusting humidity settings? If not try turning it up a hair to see if that helps with the dry mouth.

As long as you aren't having central apnea then a lower max pressure isn't an issue.
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RE: Central Sleep Apnea, confused about Oscar readings
I thought I had already responded to your question about the surgery. Deviated septums make it easier for airway to be blocked but swelling turbinates are often the cause of congestion. Turbinates will swell for a number of reasons (allergies, irritants, dryness, LPR reflux, other food sensitivity/gut issues, blood vessels expanding and probably many more reasons). In my case it was an underlying food sensitivities (dairy and gluten) that were causing the majority of my nasal congestion. I found out about the dairy before my surgery and was already having far fewer issues and was off nasal medications etc. The surgery maybe helped a bit but I don't think it really did a whole lot and was still having the odd period of minor congestion. After removing gluten I only have rare bothersome nasal congestion and if I had to guess it is usually due to accidental dairy or gluten ingestion. The surgery recovery sucked a bit and requires times off work and taking things easy for a bit, didn't bother me too much other than the first night I had to sleep with nose plugged.

Surgery only helps reduce the amount turbinates can swell, it doesn't treat the cause of swelling. Unfortunately most doctors don't seem to be aware that food sensitivities are a common cause of nasal congestion. One recommendation I always make is that if you have digestive symptoms (ibs, reflux etc) I would try food elimination and reintroduction diets to see if you can find any food sensitivities that are causing you grief. It can sometimes be hard to diagnose them, for example the majority of my effects to eating dairy occur 1-2 days after doing so. The standard process is to cut a food out for 6-8 weeks and see if you feel better then reintroduce it slowly to see if symptoms come back. The primary troublesome foods are the primary allergy foods (dairy, gluten/wheat, soy, nuts etc), can also try low fodmap diet as well.
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RE: Central Sleep Apnea, confused about Oscar readings
Thank you for all of that great information! I might try to do some elimination, when I can mentally and physically handle it. Definitely before considering surgery.

I just came across someone else's thread about ASV treatment and it reminded me of the possible cardiac issue, which worries me a little bit. I know they did ekg measurements during my sleep studies but I don't see anything on my reports about that ejection rate. Unless I'm just not looking for the right thing. Do you see that anywhere on the one I posted? Should I ask my doctor about getting that checked out?
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RE: Central Sleep Apnea, confused about Oscar readings
An Echocardiogram is the usual test done to measure the ejection fraction.
Usually, doctors won't prescribe an ASV without this test.
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RE: Central Sleep Apnea, confused about Oscar readings
My understanding is that study and its findings were controversial as it was based on people with known chronic heart failure and moderate to severe central apnea. Unless you have some known heart issues probably not worth worrying about.

Big thing about elimination diets is you can break them down into pieces, you don't have to do them all at once so start with whatever is easy enough to do.

I just had a gastroscopy that I have been waiting forever for and they confirmed a minor hiatal hernia but no signs of significant reflux inflammation. Before the diet changes I had a chronic cough from reflux and in multiple visits to ENT had inflammation from it. I am 95% sure my diet changes resolved my nasal congestion, reflux, bloating, a significant portion of my IBS and even my "sleep apnea" which I believe was mostly from nasal congestion back when I did home sleep study (in clinic sleep studies since diet changes both indicated no apnea).
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