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Data errors from high leakage
Data errors from high leakage
After 5 years of standard CPAP and ignorance for data reporting I have recently replaced worn out machine with ResMed S9 auto set, started following this board, and reviewing data. I obviously have a high leakage problem. What kind of havoc does the high leakage have on the data. Seems that a couple problems are that multiple centrals apneas and unknowns are being reported.
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RE: Data errors from high leakage
Hi DanBP,
WELCOME! to the forum.!
Hang in there for answers to your questions, someone will be along to help you, soon.
Best of luck to you.
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RE: Data errors from high leakage
Hi Dan, welcome to happy camper land.

Yes, leaks can cause unreliable statistics. So the first thing you'll want to do is get the leaks down a little so that you can tell what your experience really is. Also, just changing something can cause a few centrals for a day or so. Like changing your machine, or your pressure settings, or your sheets. That sort of stuff.

If you haven't yet, download and install the Sleepyhead software from the link at the top of this page. Then you'll be able to read the results from your sdcard and start learning about your therapy. Report back so we can help you with all that.

..and when you stick the sdcard in your computer? Slide the lock switch to the lock position just to keep Windows from having it's way with your card. Not a big deal if you forget, but a deal.

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RE: Data errors from high leakage
(08-20-2014, 02:58 PM)DanBP Wrote: I obviously have a high leakage problem. What kind of havoc does the high leakage have on the data. Seems that a couple problems are that multiple centrals apneas and unknowns are being reported.
Anything below 24 L/m is an acceptable leak as far as data is concerned and the machine ability to compensate for leaks
Around 30 L/m and above, the machine cannot differentiate between apnea types and score "unknown apnea"
ResScan shows unknown apnea in little yellow flags

Maybe time to replace the cushion or/and the strap, or try a different mask
Washing the cushion every day helps with the seal, have you tried a mask liner?

Try the mask fit feature when fitting the mask at the start of the treatment

Maybe some info, pressure setting on the old machine, pressure and leak stats in ResScan (median, 95th percentile, and maximum), AHI (central, obstructive, hypopnea, unknown)

I had high leaks on some occasion but did not affect my sleep and slept right through them
Personally, I,m not bothered much about leak as long as keep away from my eyes

Edit: How to achieve the perfect mask fit

Fitting the ResMed Mirage Quattro
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