Looking for some pointers to reading on a strange issue that keeps occuring during sleep.
---- Background ----
I do not have a competent ENT near by, live in Japan, and have to do all this own my own after trying with the previous "sleep specialist" for a year of taking my money for a resmed 10 and not adjusting anything, not listening, and generally being useless about 3 years ago.
Purchased a wellue 02 max (the wrist unit w/ finger ring) saw massive spo2 drop all night to less than 70%, bought a resmed auto 11. Adjusted pressures, finally sleeping 6 hours/night when I was sleeping in 2 hour chunks. Great results and changes (massive drop in BP, sp02 largely fixed, clarity/energy restored)
Last few weeks of using my machine, I've started to see some strange drops in o2 level. These don't tend to correlate with the resmed pressure increases, or oscar identified apnea marks. SP02 will drop below 80%, sometime below 70% (which is the limit of my o2 tracker) for twenty minutes to an hour or so. It doesn't interrupt my sleep that I'm aware of (Or maybe just spending years with a massive o2 deficiency resulted in a sensory adaptation....), but I do feel more tired on the nights where this happens. It's not all nights, it's not alcohol triggered (but it might be related...). I do sleep on my left side, but I've seen it on the right side as well (I can't sleep flat).
Is there anything I should try, like increasing pressure, reducing ERP (I'd rather not do this... it makes it much more bearable), or should I desperately be trying to get a referral to a cardiologist... And any appropriate reading for this problem, as I don't think this is OSA right?
Also just a side thing.... thank you for adding the last known folder location back into the the o2 import system in oscar. Saves me soo much trouble