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[Equipment] Anyone add an anti-asphyxia valve to a nasal mask somehow? (mouth taping safety)
Anyone add an anti-asphyxia valve to a nasal mask somehow? (mouth taping safety)
Basically I would like to try mouth taping to deal with mouth leaks with a nasal mask, but don't really feel comfortable with it from a safety perspective in case of a power or machine failure. People say you will wake up, and could still breathe with the machine off through the tube... but yeah I don't trust that and still wouldn't want to wake up in a panic. There is a reason full face masks have them.

Are there any small universal inline valves like this that would work and could be added to an n30i mask after the elbow and connect to the hose?

I thought I remembered doing a deep search and finding a thread a couple weeks ago of someone doing this but I can't find it.
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RE: Anyone add an anti-asphyxia valve to a nasal mask somehow? (mouth taping safety)
I was alerted to the same concerns, here, years ago, when I began covering my mouth area with Silipos Gel-E-Roll and having it pressed to my lips within about 1/8-3/16 inches below my nasal septum, the bottom-most part of my nose between my nares.

Below there is a link to my post on related matters. There you will find a link to an attachment showing what I once relied on to prevent asphyxiation. It is an elbow from a Resmed Airfit F10 full-facemask.  I came to see such a valve as unnecessary, for me, considering proven gag and cough reflexes, but that does not mean I could not have aspirated...whatever. and that would not have been good.

I could never master the tongue technique to seal my lips and enable use of the P-10 pillows mask. So I fashioned what I have used for years: mouth tape, a 2" x 5" piece of Gel-E-Roll seal and an upgraded compression device. As seen, in some other post, is my elastic version of a cowboy's dust mask: it presses the gel-backed elastic strip against my face, taped lips, moderate mustache and full width, medium beard.

Link to post: https://www.apneaboard.com/forums/Thread...#pid418194

Link to attachment: https://www.apneaboard.com/forums/attach...?aid=33700

I haven't used the valve for years.
I have no particular qualifications or expertise with respect to the apnea/cpap/sleep related content of my posts beyond my own user experiences and what I've learned from others on this site. Each of us bears the burden of evaluating the validity and applicability of what we read here before acting on it.  

Of my 3 once-needed, helpful, and adjunctive devices I have listed, only the accelerometer remains operative (but now idle). My second CMS50I died, too, of old age and the so-so Dreem 2 needs head-positioning band repair--if, indeed, Dreem even supports use of it now. 

Erratum: My typographical error in a graphic shows Duty Cycle=Ti/Te where it should have been Duty Cycle=Ti/(Ti+Te) or Ti/Ttotal

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RE: Anyone add an anti-asphyxia valve to a nasal mask somehow? (mouth taping safety)
(02-05-2025, 05:00 AM)2SleepBetta Wrote: There you will find a link to an attachment showing what I once relied on to prevent asphyxiation. It is an elbow from a Resmed Airfit F10 full-facemask. 

Thanks for this great idea
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RE: Anyone add an anti-asphyxia valve to a nasal mask somehow? (mouth taping safety)
I just got my hands on an F20 elbow from a mask I was given and I can confirm that it fits without any extra adapters with the mask to elbow connection working via friction fit. Auto start/stop also seems to work which is a plus.

[Image: bgjYox5l.jpg]

[Image: G9QAGOLl.jpg]
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