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Hi Everyone - New here so apologies if I posted in the wrong place. I've been in pursuit of a chinstrap that I could wear and not tear off for a year (tried almost 10) and have had very little luck. I know the following:
1) I really dislike neoprene or the rubbery like material. Way too hot and uncomfortable
2) I need a minimalistic design with regards to pressure and heat. I get claustrophobic and tear it off.
3) The best one I've gotten to date was a cheap plasticy one on Amazon that has a ton of holes all over it. It breathes almost enough for me but gives me hat head horrible and still can be uncomfortable with the dual straps.
4) I have a goatee and would like a soft cloth like surface where my chin facial hair connects
So I'm thinking of trying the Knightsbridge but 1) will I be able to hear so if anyone in the house needs assistance I could hear? 2) Do they allow you to return it if it doesn't work or based on what I wrote do you think it wouldn't likely work (likely because it's so confining)?
Thanks for the help folks. I'm finally not falling asleep at my computer but still have a ways to go to wearing my mask 8 hours a night. Thanks and have a magical 2025!
I am also sensitive. I tried the knightsbridge because I have TMJ problems and every other chin strap caused exacerbation. The knightsbridge is high quality and a beautiful soft design. The owner is very helpful. He has several models. One has cut-outs for the ears which helps with ventilation and hearing. Unfortunately this one didn't fit my weird pointy head! The ones that go over your ears will mute your hearing a little and might make you feel more claustrophobic. But, given that you wear a nasal mask and more of your face is open to the air it may be ok for you. I don't know about return policy. I figured I was supporting a small business that helps a small community of CPAP with specific issues, so I was content to absorb the cost when it didn't work out. Nothing to do but try it.
(01-06-2025, 04:00 PM)kspies007 Wrote: Hi Everyone - New here so apologies if I posted in the wrong place. I've been in pursuit of a chinstrap that I could wear and not tear off for a year (tried almost 10) and have had very little luck. I know the following:
1) I really dislike neoprene or the rubbery like material. Way too hot and uncomfortable
2) I need a minimalistic design with regards to pressure and heat. I get claustrophobic and tear it off.
3) The best one I've gotten to date was a cheap plasticy one on Amazon that has a ton of holes all over it. It breathes almost enough for me but gives me hat head horrible and still can be uncomfortable with the dual straps.
4) I have a goatee and would like a soft cloth like surface where my chin facial hair connects
So I'm thinking of trying the Knightsbridge but 1) will I be able to hear so if anyone in the house needs assistance I could hear? 2) Do they allow you to return it if it doesn't work or based on what I wrote do you think it wouldn't likely work (likely because it's so confining)?
Thanks for the help folks. I'm finally not falling asleep at my computer but still have a ways to go to wearing my mask 8 hours a night. Thanks and have a magical 2025!
Thanks SuperSleeper
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Hi kspies007,
I apologize about the delay in getting back to you. In answer to your questions ...
The Air Deluxe has ear holes, so that shouldn't impede your hearing at all. The Premium cap is a three-layer net mesh and the Plus cap is a single layer of cotton. The effect on hearing of those two should be minimal and hardly noticeable. Similarly, with regards to heat retention ... the ear holes of the Air Deluxe allow for more ventilation than the other versions. The three-layer net mesh of the Air Deluxe and Premium is utilized for the purpose of minimizing heat retention. But it is a full-cap design so there is inevitably heat retention.
With regards to returns ... No, we don't do returns since we can't diagnose whether an elevated chin is the solution to your problem and you have to be okay with the full-cap design. But as we say and I strongly feel, "If you need a chin strap, this is the chin strap you need." We do make size exchanges to ensure you have a proper fit. Sometimes people's head measurement is near a borderline on the size chart, and there is considerable variety in the shape of peoples' heads. This is mostly an issue with the Air Deluxe because the ear holes are on a key line of tension from the forehead to the lower back of the head, plus ears vary quite a bit in their positioning. With regards to "confining," even though it is a full cap, it is designed with comfort in mind. Commonly, if I get up in the middle of the night for a half hour or so, I don't even bother to take it off. My view is that if it is too cold or too sunny out, you wear a hat because that is the more comfortable option. If you need the "cap" of the Knightsbridge to keep your jaw raised so you can get restful sleep, that is the more comfortable option.
The cloth in the blue strap that contacts your chin is a material called syncatex commonly used in medical contexts like the "scrubs" worn during surgery. It has a very tight weave -- I wouldn't say it is particularly soft or hard. I have a goatee too and contact with my skin for extended periods hasn't bothered me, but I do know some people have put some sort of spongy pad between the straps and the underside of the jaw. The thing to keep in mind about the Dual Band is that when adjusted properly the force applied by the straps is minimal because (i) force is applied in an effective direction, i.e., upwards, and (ii) the combination of an elastic and a non-elastic band allows force to be minimized yet still effective.
Let me know if this answers your questions ...
(Please use the link for Supplier 37. A keyword search is likely to bring you to counterfeits!)
(01-11-2025, 09:22 AM)Anna Bee Wrote: I am also sensitive. I tried the knightsbridge because I have TMJ problems and every other chin strap caused exacerbation. The knightsbridge is high quality and a beautiful soft design. The owner is very helpful. He has several models. One has cut-outs for the ears which helps with ventilation and hearing. Unfortunately this one didn't fit my weird pointy head! The ones that go over your ears will mute your hearing a little and might make you feel more claustrophobic. But, given that you wear a nasal mask and more of your face is open to the air it may be ok for you. I don't know about return policy. I figured I was supporting a small business that helps a small community of CPAP with specific issues, so I was content to absorb the cost when it didn't work out. Nothing to do but try it.
Hi Anna,
Thank you for the support. I'm glad the (non-ear holes) Premium was a solution for you.
"Weird pointy" is rather a harsh characterization! lol But there is certainly a lot of variation in head shapes amongst people.
Hi Thank you for the reply. I appreciate the information and had spoken with a representative from your company and they assured me you provide a 30 day money back guarantee. So based on that I purchased it. I hope I don't have to use the guarantee and the strap is everything I needed but in the even I do I hope that will be honored. Thank you
Hi kspies700. No, you have not spoken to a representative of my company. Apparently, you have spoken to the counterfeiter. If you did a keyword search, rather than going to Supplier 37, that is what happened. (I am not allowed to post links here, but the urls are similar.) They can undersell me in price and offer such terms because they started off with selling stolen merchandise and are using a factory of stolen manufacturing equipment to operate.
To give you an idea of what is going on, and why I hope you will not support this organization, I have attached the document regarding "personal jurisdiction" of the defendant which was filed with the federal court of the Northern District of California on January 10, 2025. As per Section IV of the filing, after stealing all electronic assets and Guatemala-located physical assets of my company in October 2023, shortly after I had returned to the US for diagnosis and treatment of an aggressive lymphoma, the counterfeiter has engaged in a campaign of sabotage of all three of my sources of revenues, as per Section IV of the attached document, to incapacitate me operationally and financially, during a period when I was incapacitated physically from the lymphoma and chemo.
As stated at the beginning of the thread I posted entitled "Announcement re the Knightsbridge Dual Band chin strap" (thank you Apnea Board for allowing me to post about this!) there is now "entry of default" against this organization because, after filing fraudulent government incorporation documents in attempts to evade service of process, the US-based arm of their operations was finally served the summons and complaint and failed to appear in court as required by law within the deadline to offer any defense. But to-date they are still in operation because the federal judicial system moves maddeningly slow. I am now in the process of preparing the "motion for default judgment," but this process may still take months. And in the meantime consumers who purchase from the counterfeiter are adversely affected by a shoddily-manufactured product which has, particularly with the Air Deluxe, suffered design "drift."[url=https://www.apneaboard.com/forums/Thread-Announcement-re-the-Knightsbridge-Dual-Band-chin-strap&highlight=Knightsbridge][/url]
Hi - Yes, I see that I did go to Dual Band Chinstrap. But good news for me they do have a money back guarantee and to be honest with my failed luck with chinstraps I expect to have to use the money back guarantee so it's probably best I'm not your customer. :-) But truth be told I won't purchase anything without it as there are too many challenges with this stuff. I did just find a $20 one on Amazon by Gihunk that I love for the first time so I think that's going to be my final strap!
01-12-2025, 10:40 PM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2025, 10:42 PM by LaurenceShaw.)
RE: KnightsBridge or Chinstrap for Sensititve
Well kspies007, if a traditional chin strap works for you, that is considerably cheaper, so great. There are people that traditional chin straps apparently do work for. (But be aware that long-term use can be problematic because the force is directed almost directly into the jaw joint.) My main concerns are that this organization continues to be funded and that people presume that the effectiveness of the Dual Band, particularly the Air Deluxe, is based on the product they receive from the counterfeiter.