Nasolabial fold mask
Hello everyone!
I am using CPAP Resmed Airsense10 with low pressure (around 7).
I am looking for a mask with the minimum contact/pressure for my nasolabial folds (nowadays I use Resmed N20).
I don’t know if choosing P10, nova micro, Brevida pillow, or N10 (I know P10 has no contact, but it applies pressure indirectly through the nose and this directs to the folds and face)..
Of course leaks an other point rank too, but the main concern is the minimum contact.
Any advice?
RE: Nasolabial fold mask
The Bleep system tapes to your face, so you will feel the tape, but the actual mask part just sits at the end of your nostrils, not applying any pressure. Maybe that would work for you.
RE: Nasolabial fold mask
Thank you!
I did not know about that brand.. I will try to get it in Asutralia..
So far I am trying the N30, I was given this mask for trial.. I was about to get that one or Nova Micro... but know seeing the Bleep.. I don´t get why is not so known or why more people is not using it..
01-07-2025, 02:00 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-07-2025, 02:00 PM by Deborah K..)
RE: Nasolabial fold mask
Bleep is newer than the other types of masks. I think that is why it is not as well known. It's a bit fiddly to learn to attach correctly, but well worth the effort. I can't use it right now because of a skin problem, but I did for years and loved it. It leaks less than any other mask. If your present supplier does not offer it, switch to one that does. That's what I did.