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[Equipment] ResMed Airsense 10 Elite: Screen Error message
ResMed Airsense 10 Elite: Screen Error message
I took my SD card to my provider for treatment assessment. After getting back home and re-inserting the card I get this message on the screen.

Attention: Settings not applied, remove SD card and contact care provider.

I used the machine last night and the results appeared on myAir and seemed just fine. There was no data written to the card - which is unlocked.

I guess I have lost all my history?

So, any ideas that I can try before I can can get to my provider?


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RE: ResMed Airsense 10 Elite: Screen Error message
(01-31-2015, 09:19 PM)magus Wrote: I took my SD card to my provider for treatment assessment. After getting back home and re-inserting the card I get this message on the screen.

Attention: Settings not applied, remove SD card and contact care provider.

I used the machine last night and the results appeared on myAir and seemed just fine. There was no data written to the card - which is unlocked.

I guess I have lost all my history?

So, any ideas that I can try before I can can get to my provider?


If the provider had a Windows 8 machine there is probably indexing data written to the card which is confusing your machine, which expects only it's own files.

Look for the files left by the indexing and remove them. Be sure to backup all the files on the card first.

Otherwise, if the files look normal, copy them to another drive and delete all the files and folders on the card and insert the now empty card into your machine. It should then copy all it's stored data over to the card. If that fails at least you'll still have the files in your backup disk.
Ed Seedhouse

Part cow since February 2018.

Trust your mind less and your brain more.

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RE: ResMed Airsense 10 Elite: Screen Error message
Hi magus,
WELCOME! to the forum.!
Hang in there for more responses to your post and much success to you with your CPAP therapy.
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RE: ResMed Airsense 10 Elite: Screen Error message
Thanks for your replies.

I attach two screen shots of the files on the SD. On one, you will notice that they are 1KB or less in size. I have been using the machine for a month. They all have the same time stamp 15:18, which is when I was at the provider and she had the SD in her machine. I don't know if she has a Win8 computer or not. I have hidden and system files exposed in file manager. I have no idea what the normal file structure would look like.

On the other shot, there is one file called Journal.dat. It has a different time stamp 15:48 - that is around when I got home and put the SD card back into my machine.

I will erase all the files off the SD and see what happens. Cannot be any worse than it is eh?

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RE: ResMed Airsense 10 Elite: Screen Error message
Cool! That did it. I have learned something about this newer technology. Thanks so much. Thanks

I erased the files and re-inserted the empty SD card. The machine initialized the card just fine. To show you the difference in the SD file content now, I attach a shot of part of the same folder as in previous post.

So who knows what happened to cause this in the first place - one of life's mysteries. Could be, I did not put the card in fully or something like it.

And so I now have an idea of the normal file structure. Killed two birds with that one stone of yours eseedhouse - thank you.

I have used a ResMed Elite 8 for years. I am just getting on to the Airsense 10. So far it has been an amazingingly good experience.


Thank you very much.
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RE: ResMed Airsense 10 Elite: Screen Error message
I suggest that whenever you put the SD card into your PC, you backup the entire SD card. Just copy the card into a directory on your PC and then rename that directory to something like 150201 (today's date).

Lots of providers believe in the mushroom theory and figure they're doing the patient a favor by erasing the data to "clean up" the card by erasing it.
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RE: ResMed Airsense 10 Elite: Screen Error message
(02-01-2015, 05:23 PM)archangle Wrote: I suggest that whenever you put the SD card into your PC, you backup the entire SD card. Just copy the card into a directory on your PC and then rename that directory to something like 150201 (today's date).

I second the backups. I keep a backup of the SD card in a directory of at least two different disk drives and update them daily. No need to copy the whole drive every day, though, unless you've changed configurations. Otherwise copying the latest data file from the DATALOG sub directory will be fine.

You are doing another backup, of course, when Sleepyhead copies the data files for it's own use. Can't ever have too many backups...
Ed Seedhouse

Part cow since February 2018.

Trust your mind less and your brain more.

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