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F&P Solo tightening during the night
F&P Solo tightening during the night
Been trying out the F&P Solo cushion-style mask this week.  Have been a P10 user.  I'm experiencing an odd problem and wondering if anyone else has.

It seems to get tighter over the course of the night! When going to sleep I adjust it so that it's as loose as it can get without leaking.  Pretty easy to do, and at that point it's more comfortable than the P10 for me.  But then when I wake up it's pressing so hard into my nose that it's quite painful.  The edge of the silicone is almost cutting into the skin at the edge of my nostril.  It's as if the adjustable plastic in the headgear decided to contract on its own during the night.  Same thing has happened every night I've tried it.  It's the opposite problem I have with the P10, which tends to loosen and the headgear tends to slip off the top of my head.

Any ideas or advice?

FWIW, I do have a fairly large head -- I wear a men's XXL hat.  Don't know if that might be a factor here.  But I think they only make one size of headgear.

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RE: F&P Solo tightening during the night
I haven't had that issue. Maybe you're laying on your pillow in a way that pushes it.
Breathe through your nose
Reduce sugar and processed food
Soft collar and seal your mouth

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RE: F&P Solo tightening during the night
I notice this too. It doesn't take long to start tightening. Any suggestions?
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RE: F&P Solo tightening during the night
The Solo I got from the Sleep Center was a free sample.
It always tightened up immediately after I loosened it.
They said that was a feature of the mask and that there was no way to adjust the tightness.
Is that true?
Or was that maybe true of an older version of the F&P Solo?
Or was the free one they gave me defective?
I've been using the N30 for several months, but would prefer the Solo if it was truly adjustable by the user.
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RE: F&P Solo tightening during the night
Push to tighten, pull to loosen
Breathe through your nose
Reduce sugar and processed food
Soft collar and seal your mouth

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RE: F&P Solo tightening during the night
Those with working straps when you pull it open without it being on your head does it stay open at all or does it retract back fully a bit like a rubber band returning to the smallest/initial size? 

Mine will not stay open at all. When on my head it is partially stretched open and wants to keep returning to the smallest opening. I can push it tighter or pull it looser but it will not stay in those positions as it keeps wanting to return the smallest opening. Might stop by my DME to see others in action.
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RE: F&P Solo tightening during the night
It should not work like a rubber band. Its more like ratcheting and completely adjustable
Breathe through your nose
Reduce sugar and processed food
Soft collar and seal your mouth

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RE: F&P Solo tightening during the night
So it should work more like a ratchet mechanism and hold position even when not on the head?
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RE: F&P Solo tightening during the night
No. If it isn't on your head it will pull all the way in.
On your head it will pull itself until it lightly makes contact. From there you can push it tighter or pull it back loose.
Breathe through your nose
Reduce sugar and processed food
Soft collar and seal your mouth

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RE: F&P Solo tightening during the night
Maybe the ratchet mechanism does not fully engage or can slip tighter on some head shapes. If that's the case it seems a significant design flaw.
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