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F20 resmed mask at times, vents through elbow clip why?
F20 resmed mask at times, vents through elbow clip why?
hello, sometimes when I trying to get to sleep the resmed F20 airtouch I notice is venting air out the little holes of the elbow plastic clips on to the hose, seems like it isn't always doing this, but it disturbs my ability to get to sleep,

eg its won't vent with a sheet nearby blocks it, or it blows against the sheet, is this normal? why does it do it only sometimes? is it because it is reducing pressure after ramping up ?  as seems to do at start of the night in particular, thanks
Apnea (80-100%) 10 seconds, Hypopnea (50-80%) 10 seconds, Flow Limits (0-50%) not timed
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RE: F20 resmed mask at times, vents through elbow clip why?
All masks vent to keep you from rebreathing CO². My F20 does the same thing. It actually is not as strong as some I've tried, and is more quiet.
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RE: F20 resmed mask at times, vents through elbow clip why?
Additionally, if your mask pressure has gone up due to apnea events, the venting is more noticeable.
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RE: F20 resmed mask at times, vents through elbow clip why?
I have found with F20 and my other full face masks that sometimes I notice the venting air and sometimes not. When it interferes with me getting to sleep I move the pillow a bit which corrects the problem of hearing and/or feeling air coming out of the mask. If the exhaust vent is near a ruffle in the pillow case I can hear or feel the air. I have switched to the F40 and rarely notice venting air now. The F40 has a different configuration for exhaust air to leave the mask.
I only give suggestions from experience as a fellow CPAP user, not professional advice.
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RE: F20 resmed mask at times, vents through elbow clip why?
(02-02-2025, 08:21 AM)ejbpesca Wrote: I have found with F20 and my other full face masks that sometimes I notice the venting air and sometimes not.  When it interferes with me getting to sleep I move the pillow a bit which corrects the problem of hearing and/or feeling air coming out of the mask. If the exhaust vent is near a ruffle in the pillow case I can hear or feel the air.  I have switched to the F40 and rarely notice venting air now.  The F40 has a different configuration for exhaust air to leave the mask.

good to know, I tried some hybrids, but think my nose is too flexible and large, kind of was painful
Apnea (80-100%) 10 seconds, Hypopnea (50-80%) 10 seconds, Flow Limits (0-50%) not timed
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