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First time/Evalutation
First time/Evalutation
First time posting and still learning about apnea. I started out with the recommended 4 - 20 pressure range but felt like I couldn't breathe. So I've changed it to 9 which seems to be a comfortable level for me to start. I'm currently set to 9 - 16 and my main concern is the tiredness.  It's hard for me to wake up and by like 6pm or when I 'm just watching tv I doze off really easily. I will try to attach my Oscar results.

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RE: First time/Evalutation
Welcome! By the numbers, you are doing very well, but if you’re still tired, that’s a problem.

How long have you been using PAP? Do you usually sleep for only six hours? Do you have the sense that you wake up frequently during the night? What prescription drugs do you take? And do you drink alcohol or coffee in the evening?

The additional information might give us some clues to the source of your difficulties.
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RE: First time/Evalutation
(10-31-2021, 12:30 AM)Dormeo Wrote: Welcome!  By the numbers, you are doing very well, but if you’re still tired, that’s a problem.

How long have you been using PAP?  Do you usually sleep for only six hours?  Do you have the sense that you wake up frequently during the night?  What prescription drugs do you take?  And do you drink alcohol or coffee in the evening?

The additional information might give us some clues to the source of your difficulties.

How long have you been using PAP?  I've been using PAP for 2 months

Do you usually sleep for only six hours? Usually 5-6 hours of sleep (this might be the culprit)

Do you have the sense that you wake up frequently during the night? Not frequent, but when I do I have noticed that I'll wake up wanting to remove the mask as if needing more air

What prescription drugs do you take? None

And do you drink alcohol or coffee in the evening? last cup of coffee is usually around 12pm-1pm

Thank you!
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RE: First time/Evalutation
Thanks. I think you may have put your finger on the problem: you need more sleep! As you probably know, most people need between 7 and 9 hours per night. I forgot to ask whether you go to bed at roughly the same time every night, but that is also a recommended practice.

About the sense of needing more air: You may be waking up as you gasp after obstructive apnea events or after a period of flow limitations. Or you may still be getting used to the mask, even at the two-month mark.

Some people start PAP therapy with a "sleep deficit" that it takes them time to eliminate. At two months you are not very likely to be experiencing this, but it's not impossible. The good news is that with time, that will resolve on its own.

Keep us posted, would you? And do work on establishing a regular sleep schedule that gives you at least 7.5 hours per night, or more if that's not enough.
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RE: First time/Evalutation
I agree with Dormeo about needing to sleep more. I also used to get only 5-6 hours and I really need more. I'm a night owl so that's not easy for me.

I've been on CPAP for nearly 12 years after being diagnosed with severe APNEA in 2009. It did take a while for me to really feel the full effect of the therapy so I would really advise that you stick to it. How severe was your diagnosis?

Do you still get that feeling of lacking air at 9 minimum pressure? If so, I would advise you to lower EPR to 2 and even 1 and turn off ramp if you have it on now and can tolerate it without. But give this time. You may have a pretty big sleep debt to pay back Wink... and if you still only sleep 5-6 hours a night, your tiredness won't improve much for now. These days I rarely get less than 7 hours and I really feel the difference.

Also, everyone is different but, when I really started to try and discipline myself to sleep more, the benefits of that were not instant for me either. I felt more rested in the morning and more energy but I also felt much older fatigue surfacing and that lasted a while for me. That manifested in really feeling sleepy earlier in the evening than I used to. This is a very gradual process in a world more and more built on instant gratification. We really need to give this the time it needs to work.

Good luck and sleep well!
CPAP: ResMed Airsense 10 Autoset
Mask: ResMed Airfit N30
Diagnosed with severe apnea in 2009 (43+ events/hour with very long events)
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RE: First time/Evalutation
In my case, better sleep hygiene practices helped significantly. It takes discipline and consistency.
• Keep a consistent sleep schedule. Get up at same time every day including weekends/vacations.
• Set a bedtime that is early enough for you to get at least 7 hours of sleep.
• Don’t go to bed unless you are sleepy.
• If you don’t fall asleep after 20 minutes, get out of bed.
• Establish a relaxing bedtime routine.
• Use your bed only for sleep and sex.
• Make your bedroom quiet and relaxing. Keep room at a comfortable, cool temperature.
• Limit exposure to bright light in the evenings.
• Turn off electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime.
• Don’t eat a large meal before bedtime. If you are hungry at night, eat a light, healthy snack.
• Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet.
• Avoid consuming caffeine in the late afternoon or evening.
• Avoid consuming alcohol before bedtime.
• Reduce your fluid intake before bedtime.
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