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Got a Breas Z2 for travel, but not working like I expected..
Got a Breas Z2 for travel, but not working like I expected..
I've been using ResMeds for years, S10, now S11. Decided to finally purchase a travel device and the Breas Z2 was more acceptable price-wise than then nearly $900 for a ResMed Travel.

So I've been testing it out at home and so far, it's not performing as I'd expect. I'm not getting a good rest, waking up a few times unlike with my regular machine, and most importantly my wife says I'm snoring while using the device.

I've increased the min pressure to 6.5 and max to 20, but I just don't think I'm getting enough air flow when needed. 

I'm using my same mask set up from my normal ResMed 11 and the fit is just fine.

Any ideas? I did see some older posts on hear about people having issues with air flow and the supplied tubing being too long and or smaller diameter, but I'm not sure if that issue would cause my issue. The 6 food slim line hose is very long. I just ordered two short 18" larger diameter sections to make a smaller tube set up and will try that. 

But dang, this really makes no sense to me. 

Appreciate any feedback.
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