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I've been using a xPAP for more than a decade, with my current model of ResMed AirCurve 10 VAuto for most all of that. I've had a full face mask and a chin strap as well. I keep the humidifier high as I have both dry eyes and dry mouth. It needs to be refilled daily so it's working.
For the past 6-8 months I've been waking up so many times a night, it's maddening. Some nights I'm lucky to get 4 hours of sleep. I haven't been able to figure out why I'm constantly waking up. It seems like I get around 90 minutes of sleep, then I wake up and either am able to go back to sleep without even stopping the machine, or am just totally awake for hours. Either way, getting a night's sleep is a lot of work for me at this point and I'm not sure what I can do about it.
I have multiple reasons that may be reasons for this, but I'm starting to suspect it's apnea or xPAP related. One possible related reasons are that one of my sinuses will sometimes clog which makes it seem hard to exhale (chronic nerve pain means I can only lay on one side). I'm not sure if this would be related to my machine, as I keep the humidifier high (no rainout).
I've had Chronic Sleep Onset Insomnia for a very long time. I'm not taking nightly medication for it, but only occasionally. As a result of the problems falling asleep, I need a ramp up time and sometimes have to restart my machine to re-set the ramp up time (I can take quite a while to actually fall asleep some nights, but mostly less than 15 minutes). That used to be my only issue.
I've been looking at my OSCAR reports and nothing really stands out to me. Can some of you take a look and see if anything looks "off"? My regular doctor's appointment isn't until April. My nights vary a lot. These screenshots are sample 2 nights with one of 4 sessions without major breaks and a second rough night with big breaks (and a filed attempt to go back to sleep in the middle due to frustration of sleep = work).
RE: Help ruling in or out xPAP issues for waking up
On the night you slept longer you had high leaks. Many people think that leaks always mean they need to tighten the mask, but that is not always true. Sometimes you need to loosen the mask a little, especially with a full-face mask. The mask needs to sit gently on your skin, then when the air blows the mask swells and pushes against the face itself. That could be your problem, and I think it's worth trying to see if it helps.
The bigger issue seems to be that your upper-pressure limit is set too low. Once your ramp is finished you immediately jump right up to the 17. I suggest you raise it to 20 and see what happens. Some folks simply need more pressure.
I also suggest that you raise your ramp pressure to 9. You should still be comfortable there, and it will make the transition when ramp stops less severe.
Again, welcome, and good luck with getting better and longer sleep!
Machine: ResMed AirCurve 10 Vauto
Mask: Bleep DreamPort Sleep Solution and F&P Nova Micro
RE: Help ruling in or out xPAP issues for waking up
I found a possible source of the leak. My mask had a small part where the hard plastic and the soft plastic were separating (not even 1/4", but I'm sure it will get bigger. I've got an old mask, so I switched back to that for now. I need to bug my DME (again), as I've spoken with them twice in the last month, and told them to send my latest scheduled set of supplies. /sigh
I'll give the settings a try, probably one change at a time.