01-25-2025, 11:07 AM
Initially seeing Doc about "Inspire" device.
My initial intent was to schedule a visit with someone about having the Inspire device implanted, because of not being able to maintain use of BIPAP. It is cumbersome, and i wind up with an extremely dry mouth. Lately I've used chinstraps, taping, and dry mouth gels with very limited success. This is with a FFM, currently a F30. "Sleeprider" has helped me immensely and my AHI results are typically below 2. I have since read enough horror stories on this and other sites and have decided maybe that's not for me. I am a light sleeper, and the thought of my tongue being manipulated all night long would drive me nuts. Not a long trip anyway, but still.... I see conversations of how much it's changed their lives for the better, but I'm concerned I will not be in that group. This is not the Doc I saw for the BIPAP, so I'm thinking leading to another sleep study after 3years might not be a bad thing. Initial responses from this group felt I should have gotten an ASV instead. I have CHF that has, by the way improved. Maybe the new Doc will change me to one. All this said, anyone think that a nasal mask will allow me to use a chinstrap comfortably without causing the leak issues shown in the results from last night?