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Jitters/shakes non visable
Jitters/shakes non visable
I started using my cpap machine about 9 months ago and now have some sort of internal tremors. Feels like shivers, electrical current.  Seems to stop when I move around.  I feel it throughout my body. I did not have this before using my cpap. I spoke to my doctor and he does not it is related, but also did not know what was going on. Any ideas?
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RE: Jitters/shakes non visable
I haven't heard of this kind of response to CPAP, and the timing also makes me question whether there's a connection. But I do hope you'll follow up with your regular doctor to try to understand the cause of these sensations. And here's a link from a trusted website that gives you information that might be of some help:

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RE: Jitters/shakes non visable

I have no idea what is causing your trouble, but I do have a suggestion.  Your beginning pressure is too low for almost every adult, so you are probably feeling a bit air-starved.  Raise your pressure to 7.  I don't know that it will relieve your symptoms, but you will be getting better therapy.

Again, welcome, and I pray you feel better soon and achieve good therapy and comfort.  Smile
Machine:  ResMed AirCurve 10 Vauto
Mask:  Bleep DreamPort Sleep Solution and F&P Nova Micro

Link to thread about switching from Autoset to Bilevel:

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RE: Jitters/shakes non visable
Thank you! I will try that!

Thank you! I will check out the link.
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