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Looking for where to go for help - OSCAR data
Looking for where to go for help - OSCAR data
Are there any online companies that provide medical services and analysis around OSCAR data and SA in general?  Less concerned about having to pay out of pocket than I am about finding a known organization/practice that has licensed individuals doing the analysis and providing the advice.

That's not to say that I won't welcome advice from folks in this forum! I'm just to the point that I'm willing to spend whatever I need to so that I can get some help and relief if at all possible.

All I can get from the doc that ordered my sleep studies is to loose weight and to quit drinking.  I've eliminated alcohol and working on loosing weight and started Zepbound two weeks ago.  Current BMI is 31.

I've posted a couple of screenshots from OSCAR.  These seem much more active than a lot of the ones I've seen posted on this forum.

Not sure whether to wait for a while yet to let the weight loss and Zepbound have a chance to help or reach out now.  

I think it's the clustering of the events, especially the CA's, that are worrying me.  Not to mention the fact that I am completely exhausted at all times!

These two days are typical of every day.  Rarely, I will have a day with an AHI of 10 or so but that's very infrequent.


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RE: Looking for where to go for help - OSCAR data
To begin with you have centrals that are grouped together, which could be some positional apnea.  .  You can see positional apnea where either H or Oa events are clustered together or grouped central that are misidentified.  Getting rid of as many as you can will lower your AHI.  Positional apnea can NOT be controlled by pressure changes.  You have to find out what position you are getting into and cutting off your own airway.  Have you changed your sleep position?  Sleeping on your back?  Using more (or new) pillows?  These things can cause positional apnea by chin dropping to your sternum and cutting your airway.  Think of it of a kinked hose – nothing can get through – you have to unkink the hose…

IF you can’t make a simple change like changing to a flatter pillow helps then you will need a collar.  I have a link to collars in my signature at the bottom of the page.  It shows people who are not wearing a collar and the SAME person wearing a collar.  There is a huge difference between the two.

The setting you are on is S and I would suggest you change that Mode VPAPAUTO  with the trigger setting set to very high.  Those settings should help your centrals.  The other settings would be Ps 5 Min 4 max 10.

Try these settings and work on the positional apnea - stay off your back, flat pillow and a collar to keep your neck straight.
Apnea (80-100%) 10 seconds, Hypopnea (50-80%) 10 seconds, Flow Limits (0-50%) not timed  Cervical Collar - Dealing w DME - Chart Organizing
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RE: Looking for where to go for help - OSCAR data
Thank you very much for the information.  Much appreciated!!
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