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Looking to buy Alaxo 6 inch stent (soft palate stent)
Looking to buy Alaxo 6 inch stent (soft palate stent)

Is anyone selling an Alaxo 6 inch stent (soft palate stent)? I'm looking to buy one from their website but there is a 2+ month wait for it.

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RE: Looking to buy Alaxo 6 inch stent (soft palate stent)
(09-20-2023, 02:30 PM)tmoneyman35 Wrote: Hi!

Is anyone selling an Alaxo 6 inch stent (soft palate stent)? I'm looking to buy one from their website but there is a 2+ month wait for it.


This is the only company which manufactures it. Or do you really mean to buy a used one?
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RE: Looking to buy Alaxo 6 inch stent (soft palate stent)
(09-20-2023, 02:30 PM)tmoneyman35 Wrote: Hi!

Is anyone selling an Alaxo 6 inch stent (soft palate stent)? I'm looking to buy one from their website but there is a 2+ month wait for it.


The current waiting time for the Alaxo 6" stent (@alaxousa.com) was 97 days (ordered in September 2023) without delivery time.
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The Hybrid Alaxo Stent is only 5" long, be aware!

  1. I received the hybrid stent from alaxousa.com after three months. According to the specification of alaxousa.com (Hybrid Soft Palate/Nasal Stent), its length is 6" (152 mm). However, the length of the product I received is only 4.9" (125) mm. Even more misleading is that they have posted their customer reviews on this hybrid stent, and the very first one writes, "Bob R – North Carolina – February 17, 2022 Fantastic results! I've been using the 6″ AlaxoStent for two months now,"

  2. You can find several company promotional videos on the 6" one—most emphasize that you should set the deployed length of the stent individually (because of the differences in individual anatomy). And you have the correct length when you see the end of the stent appearing at the soft palate in a mirror.

  3. Therefore, the shorter stent might only be suitable for some. 

  4. Medical devices cannot be sent back. I am negotiating with the Company and will update you on the outcome

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RE: Looking to buy Alaxo 6 inch stent (soft palate stent)
I pointed out for Alaxo US that they specifies longer length (6") than the length of the delivered product when you buy the hybrid stent. Then I was interested in their refund policy.  Outcome:  They stopped communicating.
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RE: Looking to buy Alaxo 6 inch stent (soft palate stent)
(09-20-2023, 02:30 PM)tmoneyman35 Wrote: Is anyone selling an Alaxo 6 inch stent (soft palate stent)? I'm looking to buy one from their website but there is a 2+ month wait for it.

I have an Alaxo 6-inch stent for sale. It was never used and arrived two months ago. It is in the factory-sealed box and comes with a cleaning spray.
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RE: Looking to buy Alaxo 6 inch stent (soft palate stent)
(04-10-2024, 12:04 PM)G. Szabo Wrote: I have an Alaxo 6-inch stent for sale. It was never used and arrived two months ago. It is in the factory-sealed box and comes with a cleaning spray.

It is not available anymore.
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  Looking to buy Alaxo 6 inch stent (soft palate stent) tmoneyman35 0 1,124 09-20-2023, 01:17 PM
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