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Machine: began 11/2023;airsense 11(kaiser-apria)airsense10 personal travel Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: AirTouchF20;AirFitF20(1st-yr); Humidifier: climateline auto;MD new pressure 8-15 EPAP 2 full, ramp off CPAP Pressure: Home 8-20(1styr),ONSS MD 6-11 CPAP Software: OSCAR
Other Comments: AHI 35+ now <3 butIssue 3-4 hours of OK sleep,arousals,every 15-45m The rest of night x yr 1 year ++
MD new pressure, low AHIs but late poor quality, help please?
Hello, so from say 11/23- 11/2024 I was on 8-20 pressures, EPAP might have been "ramp only" AHIs <2 often <1 , however brain fog, confusion, have an in-house "titration" (of which I have a copy of, as well as 1st take home version), despite all the wires Sleep Tech had me at 0 AHI, and per sleep pulmonologist, the pressure was to be 6-11, again vague on the EPAP, however, continued poor quality, only initial few hours of solid sleep, asked MD to increase the pressures, so am now at the 8-15, I have the EPAP full at '3' , no ramp .
Based on a posting here folks suggested positional apnea, so I wear a soft collar nightly, can't say that that fixed the quality much, but last week I elevated the head of the bed, and I believe I had just a few nights of sleeping through the night. However despite the quality restorative feelings seeming improved, the constant awakenings continue. I now have many weeks of OSCAR data, but wanted to post 3 nights and see if anyone can help interpret them, and I'm not very fluent in what might be worth a try at this stage, best regards, M.
I have last nights data, as well, which was 1.5 AHI or so, and looks less busy than the 3 I posted here, must admit just looking at the graphs with all the events, when MyAir says "2" good job , probably explains why I feel so poor despite the low AHI, My goal is to get 1 week of restorative/refreshing sleep 7 days in a row ; kind of running out of ideas, other than seeing an ENT
Machine: began 11/2023;airsense 11(kaiser-apria)airsense10 personal travel Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: AirTouchF20;AirFitF20(1st-yr); Humidifier: climateline auto;MD new pressure 8-15 EPAP 2 full, ramp off CPAP Pressure: Home 8-20(1styr),ONSS MD 6-11 CPAP Software: OSCAR
Other Comments: AHI 35+ now <3 butIssue 3-4 hours of OK sleep,arousals,every 15-45m The rest of night x yr 1 year ++
RE: MD new pressure, low AHIs but late poor quality, help please?
OK, i bought 2 other collars today that are less comfortable, but I'm suspecting I may more events late at night, when unconsciously I go into some supine?
I emailed the sleep tech to ask them if they noticed that on the study, but nothing so far
I just look at MyAir, to get the AHI, vs loading up Oscar everyday, thanks
01-19-2025, 08:59 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2025, 09:05 PM by DancesWithCats. Edited 1 time in total.)
RE: MD new pressure, low AHIs but late poor quality, help please?
Set Patient View, which is off, to on (clinical menu, options, essentials, "plus") assuming it's the same on the 11 as on the 10
Which I guess it isn't, since my Oscar shows Essentials, and not patient view - so probably there's a Patient View setting in options you can turn on on 11
and you can read the AHI (as detailed as myair shows it, anyway) on the screen of the machine, without MyAir.
Machine: began 11/2023;airsense 11(kaiser-apria)airsense10 personal travel Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: AirTouchF20;AirFitF20(1st-yr); Humidifier: climateline auto;MD new pressure 8-15 EPAP 2 full, ramp off CPAP Pressure: Home 8-20(1styr),ONSS MD 6-11 CPAP Software: OSCAR
Other Comments: AHI 35+ now <3 butIssue 3-4 hours of OK sleep,arousals,every 15-45m The rest of night x yr 1 year ++
01-20-2025, 07:13 PM (This post was last modified: 01-20-2025, 07:16 PM by REMmi. Edited 1 time in total.
Edit Reason: a
RE: MD new pressure, low AHIs but late poor quality, help please?
(01-19-2025, 08:59 PM)DancesWithCats Wrote: Set Patient View, which is off, to on (clinical menu, options, essentials, "plus") assuming it's the same on the 11 as on the 10
Which I guess it isn't, since my Oscar shows Essentials, and not patient view - so probably there's a Patient View setting in options you can turn on on 11
and you can read the AHI (as detailed as myair shows it, anyway) on the screen of the machine, without MyAir.
hmm, yes, I know how to get to clinician settings, and guess I have seen that, that said, I'd have no idea what to change based on that information,
e.g last nights says
AHI 3.7
total AHI 2.6
OAI 1.9
Central 0.7
I rate the sleep as fair as I Did sleep say 830-0100am or so before having the rest of the night choppy, as usual. I then just look at the machine for the overall AHI, so see if it was 10 or something, to compare the sleep quality vs. if the AHI says the number was high, as a reason for anything.
EPR is 3 full time, 8-15 is the pressure, based on one of Dave's other posts about how EPR effects min pressure, is why was thinking of raising it to 9-15, as I was titrated at sleep lab to 6-11
I tried towels with the Caldera soft collar last night, not much help, tonight I may also try 2 calderas together , not sure I'm ready to try mouth taping yet, I'm due for an oral appliance assessment next week, to be told what he recommends, maybe no harm in that.?
I'm getting more suspicious, I may be having supine events > side sleeping, with myself awakening late at night in supine, which when I can no longer sleep solid , not sure if this would be on a sleep study or not, as they titrate down to zero, as I understand it, minute by minute.