Machine noise? MN dr/clinics?
Hi all, newbie here. I have sleep (no sleep

issues and have a few questions.
1. Recommendations for docs/clinics in the Twin Cities, MN? My ins doesn't cover Mayo. Thoughts re U MN? Fairveiw? Others?
2. Are the machines noisy? I like quiet, not a fan of white noise.
Not having had a sleep study yet, I don't know if I even need a machine, but suspect that I do.
Thanks in advance! Glad I stumbled across this site, as making an appoinment is on this weeks to-do list ....
RE: Machine noise? MN dr/clinics?
You can find sleep centers and doctors here:
The machines are quiet, yes, but they will be a white noise kind of thing. You can limit the sound by placing the machine in a well ventilated drawer (if it is right by your bed). Some nights, mine is so quiet I wonder if I turned it on. Other nights, I think Darth Vadar has been reincarnated in there.
Take a deep breath and count to zen.
RE: Machine noise? MN dr/clinics?
I mostly had to get used to the sound of my own breathing more than any noise the machine makes. Of course I spent 21 years sleeping in semi trucks idling for AC in the summer and heat in the winter. Trust me a cpap machine is a lot more quiet than a series sixty Detroit or Caterpillar Diesel running while you sleep LOL.
RE: Machine noise? MN dr/clinics?
Hi sleepers,
WELCOME! to the forum.!
My machine is very quiet.
Hang in there for more responses to your post.
RE: Machine noise? MN dr/clinics?
Hi sleepers,
Some nights I can't hear my machine at all. If I wake up in the middle of night, I think maby it is off because it is so quiet. Then there are other nights, all I can hear is my breathing. Now that bothers me, so then I will run a fan or humidifier. I like some white noise!
Good luck with your sleep study. If you do need a machine, do your research and tell your doc what machine you would like to have, and ask for a heated humidifier with heated hose. It is harder to change after, although not impossible. The hardest part is finding the right mask.