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Monitoring sleep position
Monitoring sleep position
Hi everyone,

I was thinking that monitiring sleep position would be helpfull for us to adopt the optimal position to get better nights of sleep and lower ahi.

Are there any device to monitor and record precisly sleep position? I know they have some accurate ones ins sleep labs but it's probably very expensive and probably not very confortable to sleep with everyday

Is there any way to do this?


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RE: Monitoring sleep position
I use a small digital audio recorder that I got from WallyWorld for 30 bucks. It's super sensitive and picks up every sleep sound I make. By suspending it directly overhead I can easily distinguish between the audio level of side sleeping versus back sleeping. It has time scaled playback so i can compare time segments of sound with ResMed reading at that same instant and see if things correlate. It's a little hokey but it works very well.
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RE: Monitoring sleep position
This sounds like a really good idea but in my case i want to know when i'm on the rigth side or the left side too. I may have to figure something out like you did.
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RE: Monitoring sleep position
The only thing I can think of is setting up a low light/night vision type of camera that feeds to your computer.
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RE: Monitoring sleep position
The hexoskin looks great but it's really expensive.
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RE: Monitoring sleep position
You can get a low light 4 camera security system that will capture over 2500 hours of surveillance video on the included 8-channel DVR for 300 bucks from Harbor Freight. Sometimes they send me 25% off coupons so it could be had for $225 if you are on their mailing list and stay alert. (about said stay awake).

I think that would be a good deal since you can multi-purpose with it. Having the time super imposed on the video would be neat for tracking nightly movements and maybe even spot those leg kicks that for some interrupt sleep like apnea only sometime worse.
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RE: Monitoring sleep position
In general, sleeping on one's back is worse for OSA. Some members devise devices to keep them off their back. From backpacks to tee shirts with tennis balls sewn into the back.

The camera idea is good. Logitech makes a series of cameras that can run standalone; recording to a microSD card and having a 920nm LED for night vision. That's near infrared; so, it's invisible to the eye. They are powered by 48 Volt PoE; and read out via an RJ45 LAN port. They appear to be getting out of that market however.
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JustMongo passed away in August 2017
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~ Rest in Peace ~
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RE: Monitoring sleep position
The camera seems like a really good idea. And i might implement it someday.

For the moment i know for sure i have to avoid sleeping on my back. So if i block that i will have to be aware of what side i'm sleeping on. Forcing the position sounds like a good plan. I'm going to try the backpack tonight. It's the cheapest fastest solution rigth now.

Thank you guys. Another case solved.
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RE: Monitoring sleep position
Did the backpack
It's amazing

0.64 AHI !!!!!

2 CA
1 HI
2 OA

There was a CA lasting 33 second though

Now i know that sleeping on my back is causing most of my apneas !!!
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RE: Monitoring sleep position
That's good news!! (unless you have trouble sleeping on your side) Thanks for sharing the good news although I was kinda hoping you would get that camera setup so I see how it worked without having to buy one. I don't have a backpack either so I guess I should start from there. Well-done

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