Mouse problem in Oscar
I have recently started cpap therapy and trying’ to use Oscar. I am experiencing strange mouse behavior. Computer is a lenova thinkpad running win10. I have tried both 32bit and 64bit versions of Ocsar1.6.0. Mouse actions ie movement and clicks are normal in all programs save Oscar.
If I click on a date nothing happens. If i next click on the top menu the mouse action completes and the data changes to the selected date.
If i drag to select a section of a graph, nothing changes until I click the top menu and the graph changes tto the selection part.
Right clicks in the label area of the graphs seems normal.
Selecting data/oximetry wizzard brings up a blank window. Clicking in the blank window brings up the oximeter import wizzard screen. Selecting oximeter works normally. Information and cancel buttons at the bottom do not respond. Import from datafile button works correctly.
Scrolling the graph screen only works by right click in scrollbar and selecting an action with left click. Draging scrollbar doesnt work.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Thanks Rob
RE: Mouse problem in Oscar
Hi RobEmery! -

It sounds like you had a corrupt download. Did you verify the checksum after download?
01-31-2025, 08:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-31-2025, 08:20 PM by RobEmery. Edited 1 time in total.
Edit Reason: additional info
RE: Mouse problem in Oscar
Yes. SHA256 match for both 32bit and 64bit. Also mouse behavior was same in both??
RE: Mouse problem in Oscar
Since it isn't a corrupt install, and you installed the code with the antivirus disabled, have you tried rebooting? If no joy after the reboot, try updating your drivers. Barring any improvement after all of that, I would be inclined to think the Qt libraries must have a compatibility problem with your Lenovo.
One last thought. Try holding the SHIFT key when starting OSCAR. This will toggle the graphics driver type each time you do it.
- Red
RE: Mouse problem in Oscar
Thank you sir!! The SHIFT start oscar worked.