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Need help with Airsense 10 AutoSet
Need help with Airsense 10 AutoSet
Okay, for years I have used a 560P Respironics RemStar which I really like. Less then 30 metres from me they have started building 60 new houses, I sleep during the day, so I have had to move to a spare room further in to the house due to the noise. But at weekends when they are not working I go back to my normal bedroom. I had a pre-owned AirSense 10 Autoset that I never really used as I got it for a back-up, but I have now decided to use it in the spare room so I don't have to move the 560p back and fourth, seemed to make sense given the AirSense was just sitting in a cupboard. 

Anyway, my problem is I think I need to config it better as I am not getting anywhere near as comfortable night sleep as I should be. The AHI shows good, under 2, but I keep half waking up, as though I am in limbo, and then I hear a noise, and when fully awake the weird noise stops dead. So I am assuming it is trying to wake me up, I then half wake, hear the noise, become alert and the noise stops as I am awake. Something like that perhaps. I am not sure if the noise is from my throat or the mask leaking, as I am half asleep, all I remember each time is a noise that cuts out suddenly when I am fully awake. By the way, when I say "keep", I mean once or twice a night, but it is every night so becomes annoying, I also randomly wake up for other reasons so want to reduce my wakes. I just don't feel refreshed when I wake up.

Now of course, I could just go back to my 560p and lug that back and fourth, but I want to try and get to the bottom of this as I am sure it is just configuration tweaking. What is also weird is it keeps saying I only used the machine for under 5 hours. Yet I go to sleep around 7am with it on and wake up around 3pm, but it never shows this. I have used it for about 5 nights now, and all have said to be under 5 hours. 

On the Oscar info I think it is an hour ahead as I wake up at around 3pm but it shows it ending at 4pm, but even if you take it an hour back it still doesn't explain why it would start at 11am instead of 7am. I got the unit second hand a while ago so no idea if this is a fault with the device or not.

So it has the tube temp (I have the heated hose) at 27 degrees Celsius (all my temps are in Celsius). It has the climate control on auto and has humidity on 4. It uses around 3/4 of a tank of water a night. My room is quite stuffy as I have to keep windows and doors closed while I sleep due to the noise, I open the windows when I am awake though to let fresh air in. The room is quite small, what we call a box room in the UK.

I have attached last nights (well, todays given I sleep in the day) result. As I say, I think either the software or machine is an hour ahead. I put the machine on around 7am and stopped using around 3pm. Even when I woke up each time I left the machine on.

You will also see a recent result there from my RemStar to compare it to. So my question really is, what should I try and change to stop the annoyance of waking up half awake and then hearing a noise and then becoming fully awake, this weird sort of effect doesn't happen on my 560p. I use pillows, P10, on both machines. 

Notice also how high the pressure goes on the Airsense compared to the Remstar (I upped the max pressure by 2cm on the airsense given I use EPR 2) ? Could this be as simple as just my sleep position ? I always sleep on my side but I am using a different bed and pillows.

Thanks for any advice. 

Airsense 10................


REMStar Comparison.................

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RE: Need help with Airsense 10 AutoSet
Wish I had an answer about the noise - hopefully someone else will chime in on that.

Regarding pressure - the Airsense is responding to the very high flow limitations by upping the pressure in response. The Remstar doesn’t track or respond to flow limits, so the pressure stays lower. You can set the Airsense to soft mode instead of standard, which will slow down that response. Using EPR=3 full time may help with those flow limits also.

As for the amount of time shown - the Airsense “day” switches at noon, so 7:00am to 3:00pm would be 5 hours for one day and 3 for the next.
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RE: Need help with Airsense 10 AutoSet
Thanks ! I will up the EPR to 3 and give it a go tonight. I am not sure at the moment if it is on soft already or not. Regarding the time swap at noon, that is going to get confusing for Oasis as some days I have my Remstar listed for weekends on the same profile. So I presume this is why it shows as only 4 hours (even on the machine) given it starts at 12 regardless of time I go to sleep ? I presume also there is no way to stop this ? Will this mean I never see how I was sleeping in the hours between 7am and 12pm ? 

Thanks for your help !!
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