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New CPAP user
New CPAP user
Hello all, firstly I apologize if im posting this in the wrong place as I am new to this site.

I got a sleep study done and found that my AHI is 8, my sleep specialist said I was below the threshold to get a CPAP. I am tired all the time, have no mental or physical energy from the time I awake to the time I go back to sleep. I decided to buy a APAP online anyway, I bought a REMstarAuto - A-Flex M series as it was the cheapest I could fine. The model is #511M. As far as I know this was not included in the Phillips recall (correct me If im wrong). 

I still have not gotten any results from using the machine and I am wondering if it is because I have a blocked sinus. During the day I always have 1 nostril blocked, it alternates back and forth throughout the day. Could this be getting worse at night? Would adding a humidifier help? Thank you.
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RE: New CPAP user
I don't know anything about the machine you purchased. Depending upon the individual, it will take some time before you start to feel any better, IF that's what the problem is. 

I had a two night in-lab sleep study done with lower results than you, and I was told that I needed a machine. After three years of using the machine, I gave up on it and have been doing fine. The sleep apnea therapy did nothing for me. 

It's now been about maybe 4-5 months since I used it. It's still sitting on my bedside stand, just in case I should decide to go back on the therapy. 

I don't mean to sound like a downer, and I'm just being honest and open. Everyone takes to it differently. I just happened to be one that didn't.  Rolleyes
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