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Placement of the machine
Placement of the machine
Hi All long time lurker first-time poster
I have been using my CPAP machine since Jan 2020 and haven't really used the humidity due to all the water in my mask and tube, I went in to get a report for work and to change my mask this week just went and the lovely lady who served me suggested I use humidity again but this time place machine on the ground (I've always had it on the bedside table). She said that's the reason I had all the water in my mask and tube as the humidifier couldn't work properly being at the same level as my mask and having it on ground level would help the steam rise instead of converting back to water. I have been trying this over the past couple of nights, tube temp 27c and humidity 4 and it seems to be better this time around. Is this correct or is it just what works for her and so she is telling everyone this. Also, she told me a while ago she had knocked her machine off the bedside table and water went everywhere breaking the machine among other things.
Added my screenshots because I can  Smile

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RE: Placement of the machine
I have the Airsense 10, too. The humidifier design is such that water can run back into the tank if it condenses in the tube. For this to happen effectively, the machine should be lower than your head and the swivel hose connector twisted so that the tube is aimed directly upwards. The hose then needs to be routed so that no loops occur, where water might sit and cause the dreaded 'rainout'.

Personally though, I don't like the idea of placing the machine on the floor, where it would be more prone to suck in dust and carpet fibres, thus clogging the filter more quickly. Also, placing it on the floor means more of the hose is used just simply reaching bed height. For these reasons, I use a small, low table that places the machine just a few inches below mattress height. The hose then gets tucked under my pillow before exiting into/onto the bed. This means as little hose as possible is sitting 'outside' so to speak, further reducing the chances of rainout, especially in a cool room. Using the standard hose length, there is enough to allow me to roll from side to side.

The last thing to mention is a hose fleece. This is a zippered, fabric cover that slips over the hose and helps keep it warm. These are again especially useful in a cold room.

those settings are a good starting point. For me, getting the humidity in the Goldilocks zone is vital. Too dry means I suffer severe cotton mouth, too humid means rainout or an irritating cough caused by excess water in my airway and lungs.
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RE: Placement of the machine
Thanks for your reply.
I thought the same thing, having the machine on the ground can't be good for it with all that extra dust. I don't really have any issues with a cold room as I live in North Brisbane and we really get cold nights other than the AirCon being on all night. I will be trying what you suggested and bring the machine back up put have the hose go up over the bed head and back down which shouldn't be an issue. I was looking back on my machine settings and back in the day, the machine was changed from humidity LVL 4 to LVL 8 not sure if that was myself or CPAP Direct after I had my hospital visit. I've had it on LVL 4 the past couple of nights and it's been okay. I changed it to LVL 6 and got "rained out". I will try what you suggested and respond back in a couple of days.
Thanks again
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RE: Placement of the machine
As was mentioned before, having the machine lower than  your head is ideal. It doesn't really need to be on the floor. I would definitely keep it off the floor if you have pets. And make sure to clean/change your filters regularly. I have heard of folks putting a small shelf that sticks out between the mattress and box spring. Only thing is you need to be careful when making the bed. Mine sits on the nightstand and I use an unheated 10' hose (which is available from most suppliers on the supplier list) and it goes up and over so I don't have to worry about pulling it. I rarely use humidification and instead just let the air flow over the water (heater is off). I also have a tube cover, but that is more to keep my cats' claws out of the hose. BTW, I live in Southern Az so it doesn't get that cold. Coldest the house gets at night is 66.

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RE: Placement of the machine
I have my CPAP on the floor, for better or worse. My ResMed has all the controls on the top, so I sort-of assumed it was designed to be placed low down, and operated from above. It's easy to poke the controls from my bed. But I note that the newer ResMeds have controls on the front, which suggests they are designed to be placed higher up.

In any case, I found that wherever I put the machine, I got condensation in the mask. What stopped it was using a heated tube with a fleece sleeve.

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RE: Placement of the machine
Machine is in a bedside drawer with tube and power routed out the back. Tube is suspended from headboard or wall so any water drains back.  Equipment can be made invisible and silent.

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RE: Placement of the machine
She said ..."as the humidifier couldn't work properly being at the same level as my mask" Interesting!

"She told me a while ago she had knocked her machine off the bedside table and water went everywhere breaking the machine among other things."
She sounds like a bundle of fun.

I had a friend once whose wife burned down the kitchen soon after they moved into a new house. I no longer listen to her advice, go figure!
Oh, yes she is a lovely lady, a teacher actually, and very sweet. Accidents will happen.

I don't have any problem with condensation with my ResMed at the same level as my bed. 27C and humidity level 3, or automatic both work for me. I really couldn't reach it to switch it on or off or make adjustments never mind reading the numbers down there never mind the dust and carpet lurgies.

You should be easily able to manage the Humidity settings and temp settings to suit you. In Perth here we have had a 8 day run of 41C days and with the A/C on all night the room gets to 22C, still no problem. As others will attest to, just find a way to run your hose up and then down. I use a left over microphone stand (infinitely adjustable) between bed and headboard, and rest the hose on the pillow behind the one I actually sleep on. That stops it pulling the headgear down. A hose cover works well. If you have a front attachment hose you can also think of putting the hose under the covers.

Haven't got around to building it into my bedside cabinet yet but that certainly is the most elegant solution I have seen.

My setup for what its worth Here. Be creative and have fun!
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RE: Placement of the machine
(01-25-2022, 05:34 AM)SevereApnea Wrote: In Perth here we have had a 8 day run of 41C days and with the A/C on all night the room gets to 22C, still no problem.

I would expect condensation in the mask to be a problem when it's cold, rather than hot, no?

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RE: Placement of the machine
My machine sits atop of a bedside file cabinet, about the same height of our top mattress. I have it placed on some Rubbermaid grip shelf liner. Once on that, it's almost impossible for it to slide around and fall off the file cabinet. 

And, the machine is close enough so that when I have to get up @ nights to to to the bathroom, I simply reach over and turn it off before removing my mask. Once back in bed, mask back on, take a breath or two, and the machine turns back on. 

I also use a hose hanger / holder and the hose runs thru a hose cover. The hose runs uphill at a steep angle to the hose holder that's on top of our head board. I never experience any rain-out issues.
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RE: Placement of the machine
Thanks, everyone for your advice.

I have put the machine back up off the floor but run the hose up and down, this has seemed to minimize rain out. I also now have humidity set to 5. 
I've been doing some tweaking with my settings and trying to reduce my leak rates as much as possible, I bought a new mask and new chin strap and I think I'm doing it right. I.ve lowered the pressure and turned EPR on set to 3. 
Going by my results I think I will leave the machine set to 10 leave everything else as-is for a week and see my results. I've added a few Screen Shots to help understand my adventure.

Thanks again everyone for your advice so far. Thanks

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