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[Pressure] VINEDIGGER - Therapy Thread
RE: VINEDIGGER - Therapy Thread
(02-07-2025, 11:28 PM)cexer Wrote: do you still have problems ? if you'd like, you could maybe
describe your personal experience a little more.
do you wake up from the centrals/hypoppneas ?

you tried apap and mentioned ivaps. have you tried the later or something else, too ?
asvauto could maybe be a little more comfortable, but i do not know if it's right for you and i'm not that experienced either.

iv'e not seen much about centrals or hypopneas in your data. maybe where oscar puts flags.
regarding the graphs, mask pressure could sometimes say more than pressure, especially in closeups.

be aware, that your device transmits data to the manufacturer, if it is set up like in your picture.

My update on settings and experience is as follows.
I tried ivaps but it was a nightmare. It would push pressure up to the highest settings I have set as soon as a fall asleep. I tried all different settings and tried to get smart with it but to no avail. 

Turns out I had nose congestion which I did not pay attention to as much. That's what caused my pressure to go up.

I went back to manual settings and set it to MODE S.
Ti Max 3.0s
Ti Min 0.5s
Rise time 500ms
Trigger High
Cycle Med
Full face mask f20.

Of course these settings are after long trial and error to find them. But now I am 100% sure these are the right settings for me. No centrals no hypopnea no Obstructive apnea. AHI of 0.

I need to mention that I am also using a mandibular advancement device ( purchased from aliexpress for 6 dollars) while using a full face mask. Best sleep i have ever had. I also use budisonide spray to open my nose. Then I sleep like a baby with all this gear on my head, Mandibular in my mouth then on top of it a full face mask and underneath it is my home made neck strap to stop areophagia.

I can reach higher heart rate numbers now. It used to capp out at 150bpm now I reach 178 when riding my bike without feeling tired or feeling my heart is going to explode. My resting heart rate was 54 now it's 61 to 64

As to my data transfer. I live in Morocco the cpap is imported from France. It does not connect to any network now. I can also disconnect its modem cable if I want to. 

I have not done a sleep study before and I have found that I have sleep apnea from several smart watches telling me I have a very low heart rate. I started searching while living like a zombie ( always tired and brain fog for 30 years). I found that it may be due to lack of better sleep. I have basically cured my sleep apnea using only my brain and forums like this. In Morocco no one has ever heard of a cpap machine. So most people who suffer just go by their day blaming it on life.

I do thank GOD and all the people who developed and helped in the making of this machine and also all the people here who are helping each other get through this huge silent killer.
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RE: VINEDIGGER - Therapy Thread
thanks to you, i now have an aerophagia stopper, too.

in the beginning i have used a conventional nose-spray,
but it's said to be bad for health if applied for to long.

have you tried a nose dildator/expander ?
there are some on thingiverse, but you could maybe also find them online.

i also have a mandibular retainer, but it frightens me,
cause my jaw increasingly stayed advanced during the day
plus it started crackling during chewing and stuff.
maybe it could be good to just use it occasionally.

your settings look reasonable to me, but what do i know ?
as of events, i don't seem to be as lucky as you are, but i could be on the right track.
to me also my heartrate-reading, did not seem to be very telling as of now.

i'm about to face doctors for the cost of the device being covered,
but i don't know if i get the device i need, and they may probably still demand
compliance and punish me (drivers license) if i do not comply with whatever they give me,
so your approach has something to it.
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RE: VINEDIGGER - Therapy Thread
(02-14-2025, 06:25 PM)cexer Wrote: thanks to you, i now have an aerophagia stopper, too.

in the beginning i have used a conventional nose-spray,
but it's said to be bad for health if applied for to long.

have you tried a nose dildator/expander ?
there are some on thingiverse, but you could maybe also find them online.

i also have a mandibular retainer, but it frightens me,
cause my jaw increasingly stayed advanced during the day
plus it started crackling during chewing and stuff.
maybe it could be good to just use it occasionally.

your settings look reasonable to me, but what do i know ?
as of events, i don't seem to be as lucky as you are, but i could be on the right track.
to me also my heartrate-reading, did not seem to be very telling as of now.

i'm about to face doctors for the cost of the device being covered,
but i don't know if i get the device i need, and they may probably still demand
compliance and punish me (drivers license) if i do not comply with whatever they give me,
so your approach has something to it.

I have nose a dilator but the problem is deep inside. My septum is a little bit deviated that's why. I also have some sort of allergy that is clogin my nose all year round. 

For the mandibular device it takes some time to get used to it. Saliva drooling was one of the issues. After a month I was used to it. I am using it for 3 years now and on cpap for one whole year. I am doing great and feeling more energy that I have ever felt. I am 35 years old feeling like a 16 years old.
My heart rate has never went above 150bpm now I see 170 to 180 sometimes without feeling like I'm dying.

As for my aerophagia stopper it was the best thing that my mind could make. I am glad it helped you and hope more people give it a chance to help themselves. A lot of people are not getting their optimal pressure because of aerophagia and by that they will always feel tired and never notice any improvement. I can now use continuous pressure of 17 without problem if i want to, not like before when I could only use 7.

As for nose spray, I use a steroid based budisonide which doesn't seem to have long term or short term effects. It does help the pressure open the nose immediately.
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