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Random periods of elevated respiratory rate
RE: Random periods of elevated respiratory rate
SevereApnea: I am not aware of ever having any (other?) symptoms of GERD, but I did, at times, experience aerophagia from time to time.

It seems I would/should have noticed whether the alleged "chattering"-sphincter episodes were simultaneous with episodes of aerophagia, as one might expect. My recollection is mask leakage awakenings and other matters then could have been more distracting overall. As I type this, I don't recall the OP or budor's follow-up mentioning any aerophagia from any of his conjectured long periods of air leakage into his stomach.

Yes,  cardio-ballistic effects are likely showing too. Mine are most prominent when sleeping on my right side. I've been impressed at how knowing my position and the intensity and duration of motions (from a stand alone 3-axis accelerometer) helps me understand my key sleep metrics--many thanks to the OSCAR development team for O's Somnopose portal, a part of so much more great work.
I have no particular qualifications or expertise with respect to the apnea/cpap/sleep related content of my posts beyond my own user experiences and what I've learned from others on this site. Each of us bears the burden of evaluating the validity and applicability of what we read here before acting on it.  

Of my 3 once-needed, helpful, and adjunctive devices I have listed, only the accelerometer remains operative (but now idle). My second CMS50I died, too, of old age and the so-so Dreem 2 needs head-positioning band repair--if, indeed, Dreem even supports use of it now.

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RE: Random periods of elevated respiratory rate
I didn't know there was a iPhone app that could be used with OSCAR for tracking sleep position. Thanks for the info on Somnopose!
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RE: Random periods of elevated respiratory rate
budor, a clarification: I know nothing about iPhones and their features and apps except that they are everywhere and seem most popular. 

My Gulf Data Concepts accelerometer, a USB device, simply populates a CSV spreadsheet with these details.  There is a beginning and ending date and time when its single button is pressed. Thereafter, the additional accumulated time when each x, y, and z coordinate value (reflecting gravity's effect on each coordinate axis, however the device is then oriented) is written to the file at rates from 8 to 100's of times per second.

That essential data must be massaged a bit with a simple spreadsheet to put it in the form that emulates the Somnopose device output. Then OSCAR can import it as if it came from a Somnopose device (which I have yet to see).
I have no particular qualifications or expertise with respect to the apnea/cpap/sleep related content of my posts beyond my own user experiences and what I've learned from others on this site. Each of us bears the burden of evaluating the validity and applicability of what we read here before acting on it.  

Of my 3 once-needed, helpful, and adjunctive devices I have listed, only the accelerometer remains operative (but now idle). My second CMS50I died, too, of old age and the so-so Dreem 2 needs head-positioning band repair--if, indeed, Dreem even supports use of it now.

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RE: Random periods of elevated respiratory rate
Somnopose is actually just an iPhone app that uses the phone accelerometer to measure orientation. I guess you would need to wear the phone somehow.

I was suspecting that the amplitude of these carioballistic artifacts may be position/orientation related, so it's good that 2SB has noticed this in his data. I see cardiac artifacts in my flow rates, but their amplitude is only around 6-8L/min while these appear to be 20-30L/min, and I don't see any noticable difference for different orientations. I guess we all have unique physiology and conditions so I have no idea if a larger cardioballistic artifacts are indicative of any condition or not.

I expect the AirSense is just using flow transition from negative to positive (or vice versa) to count respiration events and derive a respiration rate. It would be nice if it had some additional logic or band pass filtering to ignore these artifacts.
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RE: Random periods of elevated respiratory rate
Thanks 2SleepBetta. I found the documentation for the CSV format used by Somnopose. I have an Android phone so it would be great if there were something for Android.

I'm a software engineer, but I've never programmed for Android. This might be a fun project. I don't think it would be that difficult to create a simple app that records the accelerometer and outputs a Somnopose compatible CSV file.

I'll be interested in seeing if there is any correlation with sleep position.
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RE: Random periods of elevated respiratory rate
As already said your respiration rate is around 15.  The ResMeds tend to miscalculate this rate in presence of flow limitation of class 3 as shown in the attachment.


I strongly doubt that the shown flow is cardio-ballistic unless you own a combination of a dragon's heart regarding the amplitude and a humming-bird's one regarding the frequency of around 160 bpm. Wink
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RE: Random periods of elevated respiratory rate
multicast, where are you getting a frequency of 160 bpm from? I count around 15 peaks every 10 seconds, so a not unreasonable rate of 90 bpm. The variation is not only during the peaks, which one would expect with the class 3 flow limitations, but also in the near zero average flow period between exhale and inhale.

The flow chart is quite similar to that of Snooks in this thread. He was in AF at the time.
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RE: Random periods of elevated respiratory rate
I'm looking forward to seeing the results from the use of EPR. I think Multicast is correct in his assessment of Class 3 inspiratory flow limitation, and we have seen variations of this problem on the forum from time to time and have tried to address it in various ways, usually involving pressure support and even ASV. Understanding this as a vibrating tissue in the airway (nose, throat) helps to understand the problem, but I'm unaware of this specific problem being documented in a way that the specialists that need to recognize it, are even aware of its existence. I am unable to find articles on treating Class 3 IFL other than a number of articles on its measurement by invasive means.

I'd like to use the images on the last page to start a wiki that might help us to remember this problem and begin to understand it better. Budor, let me know if that is okay.
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RE: Random periods of elevated respiratory rate

Yes, we all look forward to seeing your charts and progress!

I can't remember if you were using a soft cervical collar at any stage? or if you had a sleep study that showed similar findings perhaps side sleeping? An eyewitness or recording of your sleep position may give some clues?

You are in good hands here,  and with their help I am sure you will get to the bottom of this soon.
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RE: Random periods of elevated respiratory rate
@Sleeprider, of course it's OK. I think it's great how much this community helps each other out.
@SevereApnea, no I've never had a soft cervical collar. I plan on using Somnopose to record my sleeping position to see how it affects my stats. I just need to get something like an Ace bandage so I can attach a phone to my chest. 

I think the assumption that my heart rhythm affected my flow rate is probably accurate. I had some weird dreams that night so my heart rate might have been elevated. I don't know if I was sleeping with my mouth open or not, but if I was sleeping with my mouth open I think it's even more possible my heart rhythm affected my flow rate. My wife reminded me that, in the past she says I sometimes squeak when I breath. I know, this sounds weird. If I've exercised or had physical exertion and then rest, sometimes when I'm breathing out my mouth you can hear a slight squeak sound that is in sync with my heartbeat. It doesn't happen that often but it sometimes happens, and always when my heart is really beating. I don't know what controls when it does and doesn't happen but I think it's positional.

I turned on EPR but didn't change my low/high pressure settings, and my AHI went from around 0.5 to 1.4. I need to change the low pressure setting from 5 to at least 8 tonight.

My flow rate curve looks a bit different last night, more like a class 6. I was sleeping on my side and breathing through my nose most of last night and I think I might have been sleeping on my back and breathing through my mouth the other night.


I almost need a camera to record what the heck I'm doing each night! Smile
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