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ResMed Airsense 10 - Going Through A Lot of Water
ResMed Airsense 10 - Going Through A Lot of Water
Hi all, I've had a ResMed AirSense 10 for about 8 years now. It started coming up with the message that the motor had exceeded its expected lifespan, so I went ahead and got a new one - the same model. On my old machine, at this time of the year, due to the dryness in my house, I would go through a reservoir of water in 3-4 days (longer in the summertime with higher humidity), but with my new machine, I'm going through almost an entire reservoir every night. Has anyone else experienced this?
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RE: ResMed Airsense 10 - Going Through A Lot of Water
I got a new S10 APAP replacing a CPAP only version and also a S11 for travel and neither use any more water than normal, e.g. several days between fills.

Is the humidity setting higher on the new one than it was on the old one?

Also if they are like for like, e.g. CPAP for CPAP or APAP for APAP, I'd use the old one until it dies because the motor message only advises you of the issue, it doesn't affect operations until the day it stops working which could be hundreds of nights more.
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RE: ResMed Airsense 10 - Going Through A Lot of Water
I have an AirSense 10 and have never gotten 3-4 days out of a reservoir. I do empty it every morning, but even in humid weather I use half a tank per night at least. We just went through a week-long cold snap in Eastern PA and I was almost killing an entire tank every night, water about the depth of about 3 quarters (coins, not 3/4 of the tank) left in the tank every night.

I use the Climateline tubing and leave the whole humidity system on AUTO all the time. always comfortable and use between a half tank to the shallow amount lately depending on the weather and humidity. I've never worried about how much water I use or don't use. Makes sense to me that it is highly variable and my results indicate the AUTO setting is working.
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RE: ResMed Airsense 10 - Going Through A Lot of Water
I have a ResMed AutoSet 10 since Sept. 2018. I've never used a full tank of water. Come close several times though. But, I don't use the heat water option, and I don't turn on my ClimateLine hose. 

I don't mind the cool air, but I don't like warm / humid air.  Oh-jeez
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RE: ResMed Airsense 10 - Going Through A Lot of Water
Make sure your humidity setting and tube temperature are set at your old settings. You may need to adjust your humidity level and/or tube temperature if they are in those settings and you don't want to use so much water.
Machine:  ResMed AirCurve 10 Vauto
Mask:  Bleep DreamPort Sleep Solution and F&P Nova Micro

Link to thread about switching from Autoset to Bilevel:

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