MouthShield is a product similar to SomnoSeal that will eliminate mouth leaking.
I chose MouthShield over SomnoSeal for a couple reasons:
1) Somnoseal website mentions using tape if it falls out, MouthShield does not
2) Somnoseal website says replace every 90 days, MouthShield is supposed to last at least several years
3) Somnoseal is ordered in small, medium, and I believe they are working on a large, MouthShield is one size fits all trim to fit
MouthShield is more expensive and I hesitated to spend $50, but if what they say is true its a one time expense vs replacing somnoseal every 3 months. This makes MouthShield less expensive in the long run.
It was a little uncomfortable at first, feeling sharp on my gums/lips. They recommend waiting a week before you trim it though to see if you adjust to it. I did, so I can't say anything on how easy it is to trim. It has lines molded at different sizes though, so it should be fairly easy.
Overall I'm very happy with the product. It stopped all my mouth leaking issues. In fact at first it felt almost too sealed, like a vacuum in my mouth

Reduce sugar and processed food
Soft collar and seal your mouth