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Struggling After Switching from ResMed AirSense 10 to 11—Anyone Else?
Struggling After Switching from ResMed AirSense 10 to 11—Anyone Else?
Hi everyone,
I recently switched from the ResMed AirSense 10 to the AirSense 11 and kept all my settings identical during the transition. However, since using the AirSense 11, I’ve been sleeping worse and waking up feeling more tired than before.
Has anyone else experienced issues after switching from the AirSense 10 to the AirSense 11? If so, what adjustments did you make to improve your sleep?
I’m wondering if there’s something subtle about the AirSense 11 (like its algorithm or airflow delivery) that I need to tweak or get used to. Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
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RE: Struggling After Switching from ResMed AirSense 10 to 11—Anyone Else?
Hi happy !

i have recently switched from Airsense 10 Elite CPAP only, to Airsense 11 Auto.

If anything, my results are better, but i still get some bad nights.

You do have a couple extra options which you may or may not have tried?

Auto for Her.
Auto with soft or standard response.

I have tried both.

It is a matter of experimenting.

If you provide some charts and possibly an Overview it could be helpful.
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RE: Struggling After Switching from ResMed AirSense 10 to 11—Anyone Else?
YES !!!!!  I just joined this group and made my first post .  I believe the thread  is . Airsense 11 keeps shutting off .  Would you please read it . Thank you .
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RE: Struggling After Switching from ResMed AirSense 10 to 11—Anyone Else?
(01-18-2025, 07:31 AM)SeePak Wrote: Hi happy !

i have recently switched from Airsense 10 Elite CPAP only, to Airsense 11 Auto.

If anything, my results are better, but i still get some bad nights.

You do have a couple extra options which you may or may not have tried?

Auto for Her.
Auto with soft or standard response.

I have tried both.

It is a matter of experimenting.

If you provide some charts and possibly an Overview it could be helpful.

SeePak, can I ask what "auto for her" does? and/or why you tried it and experience with it? I am a man, but I think last 2 day trial of "soft response" may have improved the restorative part of my sleep a bit, and/or staying asleep for a longer initial chunk of time, after that, rest of the night I have no solid sleep, just keep mask on and drift in and out.
Apnea (80-100%) 10 seconds, Hypopnea (50-80%) 10 seconds, Flow Limits (0-50%) not timed
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RE: Struggling After Switching from ResMed AirSense 10 to 11—Anyone Else?

Easier to give you the link for a previous thread on this site it covers all the settings and what they do.

And funny enough, I am going to be using it tonight as a test.

Hope it works!
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RE: Struggling After Switching from ResMed AirSense 10 to 11—Anyone Else?
(01-27-2025, 05:35 PM)SeePak Wrote: https://www.apneaboard.com/forums/Thread...#pid449249

Easier to give you the link for a previous thread on this site it covers all the settings and what they do.

And funny enough, I am going to be using it tonight as a test.

Hope it works!

hmm, thanks for the idea, I have a theory I might have more clusters of events late at night, cause of REM, maybe I'll try it also
Apnea (80-100%) 10 seconds, Hypopnea (50-80%) 10 seconds, Flow Limits (0-50%) not timed
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