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Struggling with Sleep Problems Despite CPAP Use
Struggling with Sleep Problems Despite CPAP Use
I have been using a CPAP machine for the last three years. During my sleep study, my sleep apnea was diagnosed as mild.
Since the beginning, I have experienced a problem with vivid dreams. Daily, I have random stories running through my mind throughout the night.
In the morning, I don’t feel refreshed. I’ve installed OSCAR and reviewed my reports multiple times, but I haven’t been able to identify the cause.
I am 40 years old and weigh 150 lbs. I am trying to lose weight, but I don’t believe that will resolve the issue.
I’ve seen multiple doctors, but none of them have been able to help me. I feel lost and depressed because of this sleep problem.
I am an IT engineer, but I am struggling to concentrate on reading or any other activity. I constantly feel tired.
I’ve attached my reports. Can someone please guide me on whether something is wrong with my CPAP settings, or if the CPAP machine may not be helping me?
An interesting observation is that I experience more problems in the winter. In the summer, I feel less tired and do not need to use the CPAP machine.
Thank you for your help.

CPAP Statistics

Today (1/19)

Yesterday (1/18)

Please let me know if you need any specific screenshots.

Thank you.
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RE: Struggling with Sleep Problems Despite CPAP Use
You should turn on the "Details" on the LHS of your Oscar screen and deactivate the calendar, ensuring that all the instrument settings and statistics are along the curves.
I presume you are on EPR=3, which is good. 
I suggest you turn the ramp off and set your minimum pressure to 8.4 cm. This will reduce your pressure adjustments, and you can have a more restful sleep.
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RE: Struggling with Sleep Problems Despite CPAP Use
Thank you for your suggestion.
I will try this setting today and will update you.
Thank you so much for your time.
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RE: Struggling with Sleep Problems Despite CPAP Use
The OSCAR shot with the left panel Details tab showing will reveal some useful info.
Mask Primer

Positional Apnea

Attach OSCAR, etc.

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RE: Struggling with Sleep Problems Despite CPAP Use
Thanks for the response.
I have turn on full details and also changed my setting as per G.Szabo advice.
Below is charts for today and yesterday. any other settings I should do ?



Thank you so much for your time and suggestion.
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RE: Struggling with Sleep Problems Despite CPAP Use
Your charts will be much easier to read if you set them up a little differently.  Touch the f12 key to copy your chart (or f12 & fn key in Mac.)  These usually set it up properly.  You should end up with the following, and only the following in the order listed:

Event Flags
Flow Rate
Leak Rate
Flow Limits

Also, we need to be able to read to the very bottom of the Flow Limits. Smile
Machine:  ResMed AirCurve 10 Vauto
Mask:  Bleep DreamPort Sleep Solution and F&P Nova Micro

Link to thread about switching from Autoset to Bilevel:

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RE: Struggling with Sleep Problems Despite CPAP Use
Thanks for your response.
I am sorry. I am new to this.
I am using F12 key for the copy.
I have reduced the number of graphs.
Is it fine now ?

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RE: Struggling with Sleep Problems Despite CPAP Use
You have excellent figures. Do you feel better at this higher pressure?
The OSCAR presentation is good, except you have magnified a portion of the night; hence, the graphs only represent this limited period marked on the Events plot. You should mark the whole night, i.e. expand the white strip on the event plot to include the entire night.
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RE: Struggling with Sleep Problems Despite CPAP Use
Thank you for your response.
I was waiting for the data to post here.
I still feel the same—I do not feel refreshed in the morning. full day, my eyes are very heavy.
Throughout the night, random stories keep playing in my mind.
It feels like my body is sleeping, but my mind is active and running with these stories.
They’re not scary or related to daily activities but seem more like random movie plots.
Below is the data from the past three days. Do you notice anything significant?
Additionally, after increasing the pressure, my teeth have started hurting. Should I try switching to a full-face mask?

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RE: Struggling with Sleep Problems Despite CPAP Use
Your figures are excellent, so it is difficult to figure out how to improve your sleep further. The pressure adjustments may disturb you, and you would be better off with a constant pressure setting. 
Hence, I suggest you try the following alteration and see the outcome. 
Pressure minimum: 11 cm
Pressure Maximum: 11 cm 
EPR: 3 full time 
ramp off. 
It is unclear why you have a problem with your teeth. Stay on the nasal mask for now.
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