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Sub 1 AHI, feel like garbage daily
Sub 1 AHI, feel like garbage daily
been battling for a year on and off with my CPAP, and still cant manage to wake up rested despite my AHI being below 1. I should also mention that sleeping on my back at all causes me to jolt awake with a burning head and brainfog. feel really stuck and borderline suicidal at this point.

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RE: Sub 1 AHI, feel like garbage daily
Who adjusted your pressure? Why do you use a bipap instrument for CPAP treatment with constant pressure? Have you had a bad experience with bipap?
You should turn the calendar off and ensure all the instrument settings and statistics are visible on OSCAR shots.
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RE: Sub 1 AHI, feel like garbage daily
Hi. Sorry to hear you've been having a rough time. I've been there and to an extent still am, bad sleep can completely destroy your mental health and make everything feel hopeless. I truly do understand.

I know this probably isn't what you want to hear, but I've seen a lot of OSCAR charts on here, and most of them look a lot worse than this. From a purely technical standpoint I would even say yours looks very good. Almost no leak, very few arousals throughout the night even during the period from 2:15-3:00 where your breathing appears to be somewhat restricted—it raises no cause for concern since you're not arousing. The only somewhat concerning thing would be your last REM cycle that seems to start around 5:00 where you do have quite a few breathing disturbances. That being said none of them seem to be caused by obstruction even zoomed out like this. I guess what I'm trying to say is whatever is causing you to not feel rested is not a result of sleep disordered breathing, but you might've already known that. I have to ask, do your charts look like this every night?

All that being said, 5 and a half hours obviously isn't great, and I wouldn't expect you to feel good sleeping that amount of time, especially if it's an every night thing. How long do you typically sleep? Second—and maybe it's just because your CPAP clock isn't set right—but sleeping during the day isn't great either. I've struggled with keeping a consistent sleep schedule for most of my life so I can personally attest that it has a negative effect on my sleep, but even beyond that it's well known that it can be pretty detrimental. If your clocks just not set right feel free to ignore that part, but if not it's something to consider.

I'll wait for your response to say any more. If you have any, I'd really like to hear your own theories on what you think might be causing you to feel like this. If this is just a low hour night and you typically sleep longer, it may be something else that's causing you to wake up feeling terrible. Something obviously isn't right though.
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