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The invisible Resmed F30i NON-MAGNETIC
The invisible Resmed F30i NON-MAGNETIC
Hi Folks,
Has anyone been able to find ResMed F30i masks that are non-magnetic for sale?  I just got a heart pacer installed, and the vendor and doctor insist that my current F30i puts the magnets on the frame too close to the heart pacer that is right under my collar bone.  I have searched google till my hands hurt, and all I have found is something in Australia at a price 3X the normal mask frame cost.  Resmed just says to be aware of magnet dangers, but nothing about any non-magnetic versions being made.  Very frustrated, and frankly a little scared after the info received from the pacer mfg. and Resmed.
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RE: The invisible Resmed F30i NON-MAGNETIC
After endless phone calls to CPAP suppliers and ResMed, here is the official story on availability of non-magnetic F30i mask frames.

There is no stock of non-magnetic F30i mask frames and headgear.  There appears to be no effort for the mfg. to ever supply this modification either. They do have non-magnetic versions of several other masks, but not fot the F30i.  ResMed was very friendly and did search their inventories, and then transferred me to Sales, where, in spite of the earlier statement that they didn't have any and likely would not ever have any of that mask, said I should ask my local supplier.  My local supplier said that ResMed told them that there was no danger to a heart patient with a pacemaker because of their magnets.  Medtronic, the mfg. of my heart pacer, of course, says the opposite and gives very sound warning of problems with magnets like those used in our masks.  It probably won't kill you (until it does), but the synchronizing of your heart beat, the unit's important purpose, will simply go into a pause condition whenever magnets are within 6 inches of the pacer.  I see no "blessing" for magnets in any of their extensive literature on the subject.  

So, looks like I am on my own on this subject, and will either have to just live with the current status quo or come up with some creative way to modify my mask frame, perhaps like one of the examples over at the Australian place using sanders and soldering irons and available headgear connectors online built for other brands of masks.  

Good luck to any who have a similar problem.
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RE: The invisible Resmed F30i NON-MAGNETIC
I did the same search for headgear myself a couple of years ago, when I got my ICD. I also got conflicting information. This is what I did. I dug the magnets out and put them on my fridge. I have a pop rivet gun, and stuck the connections together. I had to unfasten the Velcro to take the mask off, but it worked. I am no longer involved in that battle.  Meaning I'M not worried about the magnets anymore. No recalls, no design changes. The manufacturer said there was no problem he heard of. Just other battles going on.
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RE: The invisible Resmed F30i NON-MAGNETIC
As an ICD user, I hate to say, "Me too!"

However, I have not found a nonmagnetic version, and ResMed is interested only in the mass market.

I tried replacing the magnets with Velcro, but the result was unsatisfactory.

As for magnets, are you aware that some Apple products, like the iPad, also have potent magnets?

I am even wary about Medtronics' 6-inch recommendation.
"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
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