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Tracking My Treatment
Tracking My Treatment
I have moderate apnea, with a tested AHI of 19.  Started treatment June 2021, with no feedback from a doctor, etc. other than my setting numbers.  I decided to track my own progress.  Attached, is my graph from google sheets.  

I log my AHI and calculate my overall average AHI and 7 day average AHI.  It's been cool to see the progress.

I also started tracking the impact from heavy cardio exercise, which consist of beer league hockey or riding our Peloton bike.  Also, recently added sleep meditations to track the impact on my AHI.

I found that meditation seems to correlate with a low average AHI of 0.6, followed by Peloton Rides at 1.1, and Hockey at 2.2.  With a sample size of only 73 workouts/meditations, I may be seeing a trend.  My 7 day average is at 0.16 and my 7 month average is at 1.68.   

I have also changed my diet, cut back on alcohol, and tried to relax more.  Treating Apnea, from my experience, has improved not only with the machine, but some cardio and meditation.  Just some advice from an average guy...

.pdf   AHI Log 012022.pdf (Size: 358.38 KB / Downloads: 7)
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RE: Tracking My Treatment
(01-20-2022, 12:02 PM)HockeyGoon Wrote: I have moderate apnea, with a tested AHI of 19.  Started treatment June 2021, with no feedback from a doctor, etc. other than my setting numbers.  I decided to track my own progress.  Attached, is my graph from google sheets.  
Do you have a CPAP machine that can export data to, for example, OSCAR? I find the OSCAR does a good job of record-keeping, so I don't have the hassle of doing it manually. OSCAR also has a daily "notes" section where I can enter data that isn't automatically recorded (blood pressure, exercise, etc).
I'm not well-organized enough to manage a spreadsheet :/
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RE: Tracking My Treatment
I have Oscar, but use a Mac, so it is clunky to export the reports.  I just sync the data every morning and plug into the spreadsheet to check for trends.  My numbers are pretty good and I tolerate treatment pretty well, so I have my machine on set it and forget it.  I don't feel that I need to tweak the pressures, etc.
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