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hamiltonrrwatch Therapy Thread Aircurve 10 Vauto
hamiltonrrwatch Therapy Thread Aircurve 10 Vauto
Hi Folks, I've been a lurker for some time on this forum, asking questions for my wife who was diagnosed some years ago with OSA. After several recent episodes of nocturia and morning hypertension, my cardiologist ordered a home sleep study for me, the results of which are pending. 

As my wife is a current BIPAP user, we are blessed to have several machines which can be configured as CPAP, BIPAP, or VPAP. While waiting for my diagnosis, I configured one for myself, CPAP Mode, based on forum, user, and machine provided info, the results of which are attached. First set of data was from an afternoon session where I was tweaking the mask and settings, second was my first overnight.

I'm using a ResMed AirCurve 10 VAuto with HumidAir, ResMed AirFit P30i w/medium pillows and a SlimLine hose. I programmed it for CPAP, 10 min Ramp Time, Pressure Relief ON, Set Pressure 10.6, Start Pressure 4.0, EPR ON, Level 1, Full-Time.

My question to the group, is how does the data look, and your suggestions on improving these numbers while waiting for my results.
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RE: UPDATED 1st Night Using CPAP OP
My bad. I didn't take a full screenshot.

As an addendum, here is the OSCAR report with the Event Breakdown shown.

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RE: 1st Night Using CPAP
Welcome to the board.  The reason you have had no responses is your OSCAR is not set up right and people can not tell what is happening.  https://www.apneaboard.com/wiki/index.ph...OSCAR_Help
Cut and past this to help you.

A couple of things you need is the event flags.  That shows us what happened and when.  Yours is completely missing.  In the view tab you need to turn off the calendar and pie chart.  They take up room for other important info.

I have a list of charts we need, the other ones would only be asked for if we need them. Check in my signature the list if charts.

Use F12 button on the keyboard to take the screenshot - it formats the pic for the site.
Apnea (80-100%) 10 seconds, Hypopnea (50-80%) 10 seconds, Flow Limits (0-50%) not timed  Cervical Collar - Dealing w DME - Chart Organizing
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RE: 1st Night Using CPAP
We need to see only the following on your first page:  

Event Flags
Flow Rate
Leak Rate
Flow Limits

We need to be able to read to the very bottom of the Flow Limits

I suggest you set your trigger to high or very high.  This should lower the number of CAs.
Machine:  ResMed AirCurve 10 Vauto
Mask:  Bleep DreamPort Sleep Solution and F&P Nova Micro

Link to thread about switching from Autoset to Bilevel:

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RE: 1st Night Using CPAP
Thank you for your assistance! I read the instructions from the link provided.

Here are the results.

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RE: 1st Night Using CPAP
(01-02-2025, 07:20 PM)Deborah Wrote: I suggest you set your trigger to high or very high.  This should lower the number of CAs.

I've set my ResMed up as a CPAP, so there's no trigger setting, just a fixed pressure.

Should I have set it up in the "S" or "T" mode instead?
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RE: 1st Night Using CPAP
The left panel shows you have it set to VPAPauto not cpap.  It should be set to what is in the left panel and you will be able to set the trigger.   You pressure chart looks like cpap so you might unplug it and start over and put it as you have it in the left panel plus set trigger setting to very high.
Apnea (80-100%) 10 seconds, Hypopnea (50-80%) 10 seconds, Flow Limits (0-50%) not timed  Cervical Collar - Dealing w DME - Chart Organizing
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RE: 1st Night Using CPAP
Hi Stacey, and thank you for responding. I'm fairly new to this and have spent the past few years getting my wife's OSA treated.

The unit I'm currently using belonged to her. I put the device in CPAP mode when I inherited it, and am using it while waiting for
my home sleep study results. I'm proactive about these things, and wanted to get used to the therapy instead of simply throwing
a mask on and starting.

I've unplugged the unit, and plugged it back in. Do I need to reformat the SD Card as well in order for the correct therapy modes
to be displayed on OSCAR?
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RE: 1st Night Using CPAP
No make the changes and the card should be fine but if you want to start fresh you can reformat to 32 fat.
Apnea (80-100%) 10 seconds, Hypopnea (50-80%) 10 seconds, Flow Limits (0-50%) not timed  Cervical Collar - Dealing w DME - Chart Organizing
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RE: 1st Night Using CPAP
OK. I cleared and reformatted the SD Card, put it in the machine, let it read, removed, and opened it in OSCAR.

Here are the results. Oddly enough, I woke up feeling better this morning than yesterday Huh Does OSCAR aggregate
the data from the last two nights, or is this a single nights usage?

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