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joshuao CPAP Therapy Thread
RE: joshuao CPAP Therapy Thread
Wow!  That is quite a difference. Lots of OA clusters in your chart the 1st part of the night (indicates chin tucking).  You said in your 1st post you wear a soft cervical collar.  Were you wearing a soft cervical collar last night (when sleeping on your back?)  Just curious.
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RE: joshuao CPAP Therapy Thread
Hi Jay51.

No, I actually did not have the cervical collar on (nor do I ever anymore actually).
I found it did very little to help my aerophagia when sleeping on my side, which was my main reason for trying it.

However perhaps it could allow me to tolerate sleeping on my back, which did seem to improve the aerophagia.
I'll keep that idea in mind for some day.
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