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no dreams
no dreams
This may be stupid question, but does anyone not dream when your CPAP machine is on...dreaming all the time before my Resmed, but none now, seems strange to me!Thinking-about
"Keep on a keeping on" Riki
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RE: no dreams

I don't dream.. not one bit. Well, if I do dream I sure don't remember them. I just pass out and stay in one spot now for 8 to 9 hours.... don't even move.

(08-18-2014, 02:29 PM)Roxie60 Wrote: This may be stupid question, but does anyone not dream when your CPAP machine is on...dreaming all the time before my Resmed, but none now, seems strange to me!Thinking-about

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RE: no dreams
Maybe that's it, I don't remember them, thanks Snuffles!
"Keep on a keeping on" Riki
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RE: no dreams
I would think that if your CPAP is allowing you to get a better, deeper sleep, you would have dreams or more of them. It is my understanding that most dreams occur in the 4th stage of REM sleep- but you have to get there first. If you are not sleeping well I would surmise you are also not having dreams. Of course, everyone if different with some people dreaming often or not at all even if they are sleeping well. Just my thoughts on this.
To err is human, but to really mess things up, you need a computer.
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RE: no dreams
Some people have more dreams on CPAP, some have less. It doesn't seem to mean much which category you fall in.

You may be having dreams but don't remember them. If you wake up suddenly, you tend to remember dreams better than if you wake up and lay there in a half sleepy state. It also matters what sleep stage you were in when you wake up. You also remember better if you think about the dream right after you wake up.

If CPAP changes your sleep stages and wakup patterns, you may remember dreams more or less than before.
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If it's midnight and a DME tells you it's dark outside, go and check it yourself.
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RE: no dreams
Hi Roxie60,
WELCOME! to the forum.!
Hang in there for more responses to your post and best of luck to you.
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RE: no dreams
(08-18-2014, 02:29 PM)Roxie60 Wrote: This may be stupid question, but does anyone not dream when your CPAP machine is on...dreaming all the time before my Resmed, but none now, seems strange to me!Thinking-about

I'm not a doctor and don't play one on TV, but it's my understanding that people generally only remember dreams when they wake up during them. If you're sleeping through the night and waking up when you're supposed to, you probably won't remember having any dreams.

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RE: no dreams
I think the dreaming thing is variable to each person, and I would not be concerned very much either direction. I'm not sure how long you've been on CPAP, but it could take a while of conditioning before dreams kick in. I dream a lot more now, but in the early stages of cpap I did not. I think I was still struggling with it all and most likely not sleeping very deeply.

I also think the remembering your dream thing varies by person. I remember them very well. Some nice....some not so nice, but I think that's normal also. I wish we could control our dreams. Now wouldn't that be nice.
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