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Still averaging an AHI of 20+ after 12 days.
ResMed AirSense 11
AirFit N20 Nasial Mask
No detected leakage.
Reddit suggested I grab OSCAR and post the summary here. Trying to figure out what I can do to help get better results. I'm often congested due to allergies and only ever breath through one side of the nose typically. You'll see on the overview there are four nights I took the mask off due to congestion issues. Felt like I either couldn't exhale all of the air due to the pressure.
Humidity is on and I often wake up feeling little drips of water in the nasial mask by the AM.
My starting AHI was 32.7 from the sleep study. Would love any suggestions or advice. Trying to get an apt with my sleep doc to adjust but they're booking out to mid-march right now. Probably need to find a different provider.
Please post the full Oscar daily page for a typical night including the left side-bar: It has a bunch of data we need to see. Make sure you turn off the calendar and pie chart. And make sure the SD card is in the machine every night, to get the full available data.
(01-07-2023, 08:59 PM)TonyVivaldi52 Wrote: Welcome to the forum.
Please post the full Oscar daily page for a typical night including the left side-bar: It has a bunch of data we need to see. Make sure you turn off the calendar and pie chart. And make sure the SD card is in the machine every night, to get the full available data.
Thank you. I learned about the SD Card thing today. Will run it the next few days and report back.