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AirSense 11 95% Pressure
RE: AirSense 11 95% Pressure
Thank you for your response.  I wish I had seen this sooner, but things have been crazy with my parent's move.   I won't have access again to his device until late December.   

He starts sleeping on his back. I don't know if his sleep changes position.  He only uses one pillow.  With the process of selling the house and moving, he's changed bed/sleeping locations at least four times this past month. The current bed is adjustable and I don't know if he has the raised the head or not.  Last night he had the fewest leaks ever.  The flow limits look about the same, but I'm comparing Oscar to SleepHQ because it is easier from my mom to upload the data into SleepHQ.  

They are now researching for new doctors in the Kansas City area.  So we interested in recommendations of a doctor that is open to working with patients (and their long-distance daughters), instead of just verifying the compliance numbers.  My dad has enough other health concerns that I'm not comfortable adjusting his settings, if his AHI stays low and he feels that he is sleeping well.
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RE: AirSense 11 95% Pressure
First night ever with mask leak under control and low flow limits.  AHI is 13.73.   His AHI had been sticking pretty close to 2, but with the poorly sealed mask and/or high flow limits.  Water chamber was empty when he woke up, but he feels that he slept well and doesn't remember having a dry mouth.  They have not found a new sleep doctor yet.  The pressure 7-12, EPR 3, no ramp, humidifier set to 2, patient view set to "simple".

Based on a quick glance at his Oscar chart from last night and the suggestions in previous replies (Crimson Nape, Sleep Rider, Opal Rose, and Gideon), I was thinking to raise his pressure max to 10 with the EPR of 3.  However when looking closer, I'm concerned with from 6 am - 7:30 am.  From about 6:00- 6:50,  the pressure stayed at the minimum.  Was that because he was still awake, sleeping in a position that didn't need treatment, or something else?   Most concerning, what is going on between 6:50 and 7:30?  I had lot of speculative questions inserted here, but decided to listen to those who have experience interpreting these things first.    Please describe what charts I should post.

Misc. details and questions

Mom and Dad have moved and are settling in.  Mom and I have worked out procedure for her to upload his SD card data to google drive so that I can download it and look at it in Oscar.  My sister checked Dad's bed yesterday and it was inclined.  She reduced it and our dad is willing to try it totally flat tonight.  My guess is that the incline was forcing him to sleep on his back and to tuck his chin possibly increasing the high flow limits.

Since I've switched to the F30i mask myself, I've been able to make better suggestions for addressing leaks.  We're hoping last night's mask fit wasn't a fluke.  He doesn't notice ANY mask leaks.  Last week he mentioned that the machine was working funny, turning on and off.  He had slept several nights with the mask so loose that the AirSense was repeatedly Smart-starting and stopping because it wasn't sure if he was there or not.  We're trying to think of simple inobtrusive ways for my mom to check that he has the mask positioned as perfectly as possible at bedtime.  The Mask Fit feature isn't too helpful because its "good/bad", instead of a number.   A little leak when he first puts the mask on can lead to a bigger leak when he moves in the night.  

Dad gets disoriented especially when his sleep gets disrupted.   One night he accidently changed the humidity to 8 from 2.  He woke up several days with an empty water chamber and a terribly dry mouth.  He also gets dry mouth and empty water chamber on extremely bad leak days, so it took us a bit it to figure out that humidity setting was incorrect.   Also once he turned the EPR off in the middle of the night by tapping on the touch screen while trying to get the device to turn on.   We've changed the patient view back to "simple" from "advanced" to prevent him from accidently changing it again.

Is it possible to clear old historical data in Oscar, short of just making him a new profile?  I accidently loaded my data onto his profile a few weeks ago. Seeing 'data' from before he got his device is annoying, especially I'm the one who put it there.

Also, regarding the subject line question.  The 95% pressure value is available on the patient screen when the patient view is set to advanced.  

Thank you everyone for your help.

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RE: AirSense 11 95% Pressure
Typo.. I meant I am considering raising Pressure max from 12 to 15.
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